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<br />City Administrator. Department heads shall <br />immediately report any and all such <br />complaints to the City Administrator and <br />shall assist in investigating the complaint. <br />If a department head is the alleged perpe- <br />trator, complaints should be made directly to <br />the City Administrator. <br /> <br />f. Investigation and Resolution. The City <br />Administrator shall complete a thorough <br />investigation appropriate to the <br />circumstances of the complaint. The <br />investigation may include interviews with all <br />relevant individuals and will be conducted in <br />such a manner as to preserve the confident- <br />iality and rights of all parties concerned to <br />the fullest extent possible. The City will <br />not retaliate against any employee who makes <br />a report of sexual harassment, nor will it <br />tolerate retaliation by any employee against <br />the reporting employee. Employees who engage <br />in retaliatory conduct may be subject to <br />disciplinary action. Any employee who makes <br />a false report of sexual harassment or gives <br />false information during an investigation may <br />be subject to disciplinary action. Upon <br />review of the results of the investigation, <br />the City Administrator may recommend: <br /> <br />i. Counseling with affected employees to <br />ensure understanding of what is <br />prohibited, as well as the seriousness <br />of the issue and the City's commitment <br />to deal with violations of this policy; <br /> <br />ii. Discipline, including discharge. <br /> <br />g. Internet and E-mail. All communications and <br />electronic equipment, such as the phone <br />system and computer network system, are the <br />property of the City and may not be used to <br />send, save or view offensive or harassing <br />material or communications . Offensive and <br />harassing material includes, but is not <br />limited to, pornography, sexual comments, <br />sexual jokes, sexual images, or any other <br />material that be may be considered offensive <br />or harassing. Any use of vOicemail, e-mail, <br />the Internet, or any other form of <br />VI-5 <br />