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<br />increase, decreasing the <br />discharge. Provided, <br />employees may be suspended <br />be suspended without pay. <br /> <br />employee's salary, and <br />however, that exempt <br />with pay, but shall not <br /> <br />4. Just Cause. Just cause for discipline includes <br />any and all failures to fulfill an employee's <br />duties and responsibilities. These include, and <br />are not limited to, properly performing all job <br />responsibilities set forth on the employee's job <br />description, complying with this Personnel <br />Handbook, insubordination, actions or inactions <br />which give the appearance of impropriety, and <br />exhibiting a disregard for the need to maintain <br />the publ ic ' s pride in the City and City <br />government. <br /> <br />5. Disciplinary Action Steps for Employees Other than <br />Temporary and Probationary Employees. Except for <br />severe infractions, disciplinary action against an <br />employee other than a temporary or probationary <br />employee shall be progressive and shall follow the <br />steps listed below in order: <br /> <br />a. Oral Reprimand. The employee's department <br />head may give the employee an oral reprimand <br />for the first or a non-severe infraction. A <br />written note may be placed in the employee's <br />personnel file indicating that an oral <br />reprimand was given. <br /> <br />b. Written Reprimand. A written reprimand shall <br />state that the employee is being warned for <br />misconduct; describe the misconduct; include <br />timetables and goals for improvement when <br />appropriate; and outline future penalties <br />should the problem continue. The employee's <br />department head shall give the employee a <br />copy of the reprimand and the employee shall <br />sign the original acknowledging that the <br />employee has recei ved the reprimand. The <br />signature of the employee does not mean that <br />the employee agrees with the reprimand. The <br />reprimand shall be placed in the employee's <br />personnel file. <br /> <br />c. <br /> <br />Suspension or <br />the sole <br />Administrator, <br /> <br />Other Disciplinary Action. In <br />discretion of the City <br />disciplinary action regarding <br /> <br />VII-3 <br />