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<br />an employee may be either suspension or one <br />of these other actions. <br /> <br />1. Suspension With or Without Pay. <br />Depending on the seriousness of the <br />allegations, the City Administrator may <br />suspend a non-exempt employee either <br />with or without pay. The City <br />Administrator may suspend an exempt <br />employee with pay. Prior to suspension <br />or as soon thereafter as possible, the <br />employee shall be notified in writing of <br />the reason for the suspension, its <br />length, and whether it is with or <br />without pay. The notice also shall <br />outline what further discipline the <br />employee will face should the misconduct <br />continue. An employee may be suspended <br />pending investigation of an allegation. <br />If the suspension was without pay and <br />the investigation shows that the <br />allegation of misconduct was partially <br />or completely false, the employee shall <br />be provided with back pay for a portion <br />or all of the period of the suspension. <br />A copy of each written statement <br />regarding the suspension shall be placed <br />in the employee's personnel file. <br /> <br />ii. Other Disciplinary Actions. An employee <br />other than a temporary or probationary <br />employee also may be disciplined through <br />(1) involuntary demotion; (2) forced <br />transfer to a comparable position, as <br />determined by the City Administrator; <br />(3) being placed on probation; (4) <br />wi thholding a salary increase; or (5) <br />decreasing the employee's salary. A <br />copy of each written statement regarding <br />the disciplinary action shall be placed <br />in the employee's personnel file. <br /> <br />d. Discharge. An employee other than a <br />temporary or probationary employee may be <br />discharged by the City Council only for just <br />cause. The employee will be notified at the <br />time of discharge of the employee's right to <br />make a written request for the City's reasons <br />for the discharge, pursuant to Minn. Stat. <br />Sec. 181.931 et seg. <br />VII -4 <br />