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<br />Resolution No. 00-43 <br />Page 14 <br /> <br />needs and budgetary considerations, the need for work which may be <br />assigned as light duty, the employee's capability of performing the work, the <br />number of employees not available for work due to injury or illness, and <br />other relevant factors. _ <br /> <br />D. The City will determine what job duties the employee will perform. These <br />duties may include those currently assigned to the employee's job <br />classification or any other duties the City considers to be appropriate. <br />Duration of light duty will be determined at the sole discretion of the City. <br /> <br />E. Assignments to light duty will be reviewed on a monthly basis or more often <br />as deemed necessary by the City. The City, in its sole discretion, reserves <br />the right to terminate a light duty assignment at any time based upon, but <br />not limited to, the factors set forth in sub-item C above. <br /> <br />SECTION 16. LEAVE POLICY <br /> <br />16.1 Iniurv on Duty. An employee injured in the line of duty, covered by the <br />Workers Compensation Law of the State of Minnesota, and eligible for workers <br />compensation pay, shall be guaranteed their regular base rate of pay by the Employer for <br />a maximum of ninety (90) working days. <br /> <br />Injury on Duty (100) pay will start after the employee has been off work due to the <br />injury three (3) working days. <br /> <br />The employer shall pay the difference between the employee's weekly pay and <br />their weekly workers compensation check to the extent that the employee's after-tax net <br />take home does not exceed the employee's after-tax pay earned while working. <br /> <br />When the employee has exhausted the employee's ninety (90) day 100 bank, the <br />employee may then draw on the employee's accumulated annual leave. <br /> <br />No employee may return to duty without medical verification that the employee is <br />capable of returning to work and performing all the regular duties of their job description <br />unless a return to work under light duty can be arranged. <br /> <br />The injured ernployee will allow the employer access to the employee's medical <br />records on file with the Workers Compensation Insurance Carrier or State Workers <br />Compensation Commission. <br /> <br />Additional benefits paid to the employee will not be charged against the <br />employee's annual leave or other accumulated benefits within the sixty (60) day period. <br /> <br />16.2 Military Leave. An employee who is a member of the National Guard or <br />military reserve force of the United States of America shall be entitled to military leave as <br />provided by the statutes of the State of Minnesota or the government of the United States <br />of America. Except in the cases of military emergency or immediate mobilization, an <br />employee shall notify his/her supervisor as soon as is possible, after receipt of a notice of <br /> <br />L_ <br />