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<br />Resolution No. 00-43 <br />Page 23 <br /> <br />. Distribution of materials obtained to other employees who may benefit; <br />and <br />. Discussion with supervisor. <br /> <br />The TT&E participant shall provide the Training Officer with a rating of the TT&E <br />event, as well as documentation of the follow-up procedure, on a form available <br />from the Personnel office. Information will be maintained in the training <br />database. <br /> <br />18.9 COMPUTING WORK TIME WHILE IN TRANSIT <br /> <br />In order for the City to assess the obligations for paying travel time, the determining <br />factor is whether or not the travel involves an overnight stay in another city. If a non- <br />exempt employee is staying overnight in another city, travel occurring during the normal <br />working hours, regardless of the day of the <br /> <br />week, must be considered hours worked. If a TT&E participant is directed to travel to <br />another city, but returns home that evening, all travel time, less the TT&E participant's <br />normal commute, will be considered time worked. <br />The employer can direct when the TT&E participant should travel. This may sometimes <br />involve a cost-benefit analysis. For example, it may be cheaper to pay travel time on a <br />Saturday if the cost for the airfare is less for staying over on a Saturday night. This <br />travel time may be overtime if the TT&E participant is eligible per the appropriate labor <br />agreement/personnel policy. <br />The employer can change work hours for non-union TT&E participants in order to <br />schedule around a TT&E event. For bargaining unit employees, the applicable labor <br />agreement should always be reviewed. <br />Exempt employees will be paid their normal salary. Travel time outside the normal work <br />schedule is not paid, under any circumstances, to exempt employees. <br /> <br />18.10 EXCEPTIONS <br /> <br />Exceptions to this policy may be allowed, with prior approval of the Training Officer and <br />the City Administrator, for unique circumstances, cost saving alternatives, or to provide <br />for reasonable accommodations for the physical or medical needs of a TT&E <br />participant. <br /> <br />18.11 EDUCATION POLICY <br /> <br />Any employee who is interested in pursuing further job related training and education <br />opportunities could independently pursue these opportunities under the city's education <br />policy. An employee can take a course at an accredited college/vocational school, and <br />apply for reimbursement for tuition costs per the policy. In addition, these courses <br />would be taken on the employee's own time. <br /> <br />Tuition/Book Reimbursement: The City encourages its employees to participate in <br />continuing education in order to improve job performance in their present positions, and <br />to prepare for advancement within the City through self-development. In furtherance of <br />