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<br />JOINT COUNCIL MEETING <br /> <br />JANUARY 30, 2002 <br /> <br />Mr. Amebeck stated the communities and counties have to come together and develop a <br />plan for the future. When improvements are done in an expansion area, MnDOT does <br />look to share the costs with the community. Funding is an issue at this time. The <br />interchange may be eligible for federal funds. However, federal funds do go into the <br />MnDOT budget. MnDOT does not order the studies for projects. The cities and/or <br />County should initiate the study. A consultant can be hired if the cities' staffs can prepare <br />the studies. <br /> <br />Councilmember Reinert clarified that the Councils should look at the zoning of available <br />right-of-way while Staff is preparing studies to work with the County to request plans <br />from MnDOT <br /> <br />Mr. Amebeck stated the first thing to do is set up a meeting with the involved cities <br />planning staff, MnDOT planning staff and the counties' (Anoka and Washington) <br />planning staff. From there an assessment can be done regarding how much of a study <br />will be needed. Facts and data are needed and then a recommendation can be made to <br />'each City Council. <br /> <br />Councilmember Haas stated it seems that if there is a collaborative effort the project may <br />be moved up on the priority list. The City Councils need to identifY the land and set it <br />aside for future plarnilng. <br /> <br />Mr. Ray Vandaveer, State Representative, noted there is also a fund that may reimburse <br />communities for a portion of the project that is done. <br /> <br />City Administrator Waite Smith inquired about the reimbursement program and asked if <br />you know about reimbursement before the project is done. <br /> <br />Mr. Arnebeck stated there is strong competition for the reimbursement program and the <br />city is taking its chances on reimbursement if the project is not planned for ahead of time. <br />He stated that MnDOT can quickly look at safety issues and other issues once the study is <br />completed. Those issues will determine how high priority the project is. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg stated Anoka County just completed a traffic study of the interchange <br />and asked ifMnDOT will accept that He also asked if it is appropriate to have a letter <br />from all the agencies involved showing support for the project. <br /> <br />Mr. Arnebeck stated MnDOT will accept the plan that was just completed by the County. <br />He stated a resolution from all the cities and counties indicating there is a problem and <br />the agencies will work together would be very helpful. <br /> <br />It was the consensus of the Councilmembers present to approve a resolution showing <br />support for the project and forwarding that to MnDOT. <br /> <br />3 <br />