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<br />City of Centerville <br />August 14,2002 <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers indicated that three Council Members fee] that a part <br />time person is necessary and how to pay for it needs to be discussed. <br /> <br />Council Member Ne]son asked if the two still want a halftime person there. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra indicated she did not want six months of a half time person but <br />would like four months of a half time person. <br /> <br />Council Member Ne]son asked what dollar figure Council wanted to use in that position. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers suggested using $]5,000 and how that is funded can <br />be determined later. <br /> <br />VI. CONSENT AGENDA <br /> <br />1. The City of Centerville Ju]y 25, 2002 through August 14, 2002 Claims for <br />Approva] <br />2. Centennial Fire District August 6, 2002 Claims <br />3. Approva] of Ordinance #4 & Summary for Publication <br />4. Appointment ofE]ection Judges <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg pointed out there were some wording changes in Ordinance #4 that <br />would be corrected but would make no substantive changes to the Ordinance. <br /> <br />Motion bv Conncil Member Capra, seconded bv Council Member Travis to approve <br />the Consent Al!enda as presented. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />VII. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />1. Ju]v 24. 2002 Council Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />Motion bv Council Member Capra, seconded bv Council Member Travis to approve <br />the Ju]v 24. 2002 Council Meetinl! Minutes as presented. All in favor. Motion <br />carried unanimous]v. <br /> <br />VIII. ANNOUNCEMENTS/UPDATES <br /> <br />1. State Auditor Inquiry <br /> <br />Council Member Ne]son indicated the individuals who are considering doing a petition <br />have not decided whether to do it. <br /> <br />Page 19 of21 <br />