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<br /> <br />The 19th Annual Conference presented by the Minnesota Association <br />of Community Telecommunications Administratqrs (MACTA) <br /> <br />ot Submergel <br /> <br />COfJYe!~e <br /> <br />i.-.-' <br /> <br />October 1 0-11, 2002 <br />Thunderbird Hotel, Bloomington, MN <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />macta <br /> <br />Minnesota State Chapter of NA TOA <br />and an affiliate of the League of Minnesota Cities <br /> <br />who Shoulq Attenq: <br /> <br />l' Elected Officials <br />l' Cable and Telecommunications Commissioners <br />l' Cable and Telecommunications Managers <br />l' City Managers <br />l' City Attorneys <br />l' Cable and Telecommunications Attorneys <br />l' PEG Access Managers and Staff <br />l' PEG Access Board Members <br />l' Cable Operators <br /> <br />D<ltes: <br /> <br />Thur$day, October 10 and Friday, October 11,2002 <br />Loc<ltion: <br /> <br />Thunderbird Hotel, 2201 E 78th St, Bloomington, MN 55425. <br />Phone: 952.854.3411; Fax: 952.854.1183 <br /> <br />A block of rooms will be held until September 20 for MACTA <br />conference participants. Special room rates are $83.00 plus tax <br />for single or double occupancy. ReseNations should be made <br />directly with the hotel. Be sure to mention the MACTA conference <br />w naking your reservation. <br /> <br />Continuing Equcqtion Cteqit: <br /> <br />Get these questions answered-and more-at the conference: <br /> <br />;l' State Legislation - A new Govemor, a new Legislature",is it time <br />for us to become "pro-active" and take the lead in sponsoring <br />legislation and amendments to Chapter 238? Who will carry our <br />message to the new Legislature? <br /> <br />;l' Franchise Fees - Easy come, (but not so) easy go,,:How is your <br />city coping with iost revenues following the FCC CableModem <br />decision? What are our options? Is there a judicial solution on <br />the horizon? <br /> <br />;l' Serving Up a Tasty "Dish" - Thoughts and suggestions about the <br />challenges presented by competing methods of <br />telecommunications services."and diminishing competition from <br />franchisees. Is there a monopoly on the horizon? <br /> <br />We face these and many other critical issues in the immediate future. <br />This year's conference is a MUST! <br /> <br />Registr<ltion Fees: <br /> <br />Members' Non-Members <br />Postmarked by Sept 27 $275.00 $375.00 <br />Postmarked after Sept 27 $325.00 $425.00 <br /> <br />Register three or more people from the same organization on one <br />check, and deduct $20 per person from the fees listed above. <br /> <br />Registration fee includes educational sessions, handout materials, <br />trade show with exhibitors, Thursday and Friday continental <br />breakfasts and luncheons, Thursday reception, and refreshments. <br /> <br />'Non-Minnesota NA TOA members may register at the MACTA <br />member rate. <br />'New member applications will qualify for member rates. <br />Contact the MACTA Office for details and an application form. <br /> <br />Payment may be made by check, or Purchase Order mailed to: <br />MACTA, 1711 W County Road B, Suite 300N, Roseville, MN 55113. <br />FAX: 651.635.0307 <br /> <br />Cancellation Policy: Registration fee less a $25 administrative charge <br />may be refunded up to one week prior to the seminar. An 80% refund <br />may be made up to 72 hours before the seminar. No refund for <br />cancellation notice less than 72 hours. <br /> <br />Fot Questions: <br /> <br />Contact MACTA by phone 651 .635.0306, by fax 651 .635.0307, by <br />CLE credit has been requested from the Minnesota State Board of email, or online <br />Continuing Legal Education. <br /> <br />I <br />