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<br /> <br />THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2002 <br />. <br /> <br />8:00 AM REGISTRATION. EXHIBITS & CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST <br /> <br />8:30AM WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION ............................................................................,...~................. Jeff Lueders. MACTAPresident <br /> <br />8:45 AM GENERAL SESSION <br />Rough Waters or Smooth Sailing? <br />Charting Our Telecommunications Course ................................................................ Moderator: Mike Reardon <br />Panel: Cress Gackle, John Gibbs, Esq.. JoAnn Hanson, Adrian Herbst, Esq., Edward "Ted" Jackson <br />A panel of te/ecom experts grapples with what is/is not happening with their respective industries, and where It is/is not headed. This session <br />promises to jump-start the conference with a J)vely and engaging discussion as the panel debates competition, buyouts, financial pitfalls, and <br />regulatory barriers. <br /> <br />10:15AM VENDOR EXHIBITS AND REFRESHMENT BREAK <br /> <br />10:45AM CONCURRENT SESSIONS: <br />1. Navigating Local Regulatory Issues .............................,............................................... Moderator: Alan Miller <br />Panel: Brian Grogan, Esq., Stephen Guzzetta, Esq., Robert Vose, Esq. <br />So many issues, so little time...Blessed with some of the best legal minds in the nation, MACTA members are fortunate to be able to listen to, <br />question, and bring back to your cities the conclusions of Blian Grogan, Steve Guzzetta, and Bob Vose as they cram into one session a concise <br />discussion of areas such as FCC matters, limited area franchises and. their effect on cities, competition, national legislative and legal efforts, and the <br />like. Not only a must for administrators, but tor city attorneys, commissioners, and govemment officials. <br /> <br />2. Production Planning & Performance ................................... ........................ Moderator/Speaker: Mark Moore <br />Panel: Neil Murray, Paul Ryan <br />Every successful producer knows the Five "P" Principle: Proper Planning Prevents Poor Periormance. This session considers the importance of <br />script writing, set preparation, determining technical needs, reviews interview do's and don'ts, and many other aspects during the "pre" part of a <br />video production. <br /> <br />1 :tOO PM .J\NNOUNCEM"NTS... ............. '.... ..~,.~".... .,........ ........ .............. "~'"'''''''''' ............... ................... ......... ........ ............... . Jeff Lueder <br />Luncheon & Keynote Address: Keeping Our Heads Above Water......................... Moderator: Cor Wilson <br />Speaker: NATOA President Denise Brady <br />After an all too briet respite, cable and telecommunications issues are heating up in Washington, DC. From the FCC to the halls of Congress, local <br />franchising and rights-ot-way authority are again under attack, and NATOA is on the front lines of the battle. NATOA President Denise Brady will <br />provide an overview of the many challenges we are facing and, local government's response. <br /> <br />1: 15 PM CONCURRENT SESSIONS: <br />1. Broadband Network M'anagement & Applications... ........................................ Moderator: Cheryl Pasalic <br />Panel: Mary Benner, Bruce Pibum, Tom Robinson <br />Traditional I-Nets are being replaced by broadband and. community networks with a wide variety of new and innovative applications. Some <br />communities are also exploring the opportunity to Interconnect networks and share resources. The panel will discuss these networks and present <br />examples of these applications. ' <br /> <br />2. Poiitical Blanket: Effecti"eMethodsofC()velirlg'EI~c::tiori~~P....................... Moderator: Jodie Miller <br />. ," ..' ,.... .', ....iPan~I:,J6e-pr:'zier,. Kyrsten Thompson, Mike Wassenaar <br />With elections looming in the fall, this, session<wHl' examin~__and shOVf':real,_lite,,:ElXa~pl_~~_~ot,hQW'$Ome Minnesota access centers cover local <br />elections. Find out what works, what doesnotwork;\~/hattypesof.POHci_es,'are-Dece~sarY,:~h9,sho,l1ld be included in a candidates forum, decide <br />if Web streaming is right for you, how to cover-mUltiple.polling: and,lqC<3.tion~',:,'!lnd;n;uch~rT-tore; <br /> <br />2:30 PM VENDOR EXHIBITS AND REFRESHMENT BREAK <br /> <br />2:45 PM GENERAL SESSION <br />The 2003 Minnesota Legislature: A Periscope Peek at the Future .................... Moderator: Holly Hilnsen <br />Panel: Ann Higgins, Mike Martin, Senator James Metzen, Wy Spano <br />One-fourth-maybe more-of the legislators in the 2003 legislative session will be new. Does anybody know what is going to happen? Particularly, <br />does anybody know what will happen to MACTA issues? Perhaps not, but four of the most experienced people around the Minnesota Legislature <br />will give it a shot. <br /> <br />4:00 PM Reception and Roundtables <br /> <br />4:30 PM Annual Meeting of MACTA Membership <br /> <br />6:00 PM Studio Tours & Dinner (Optional- sign up on registration form) <br />A great opportunity to tour nearby PEG access facilities (Bumsville/Eagan Community TV & Northern Dakota County TV), examine their capabilities <br />and how they get the best use of equipment and personnel, plus sharing dinner and networking with access staff and other conference attendees, <br /> <br />M'lil your registt'ltion by September 27 'lnc\ s'lve!!! <br />