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<br />Addressing these issues willlikelv re- <br />quire professional input bv a consultant <br />experienced, in law enforcement facilitv <br />plannin,,;, How~ver, police professionals <br />should remain actively involved through- <br />out the process. <br />The outcome of the evaluation of exist- <br />ing facility reuse will be entirely depen- <br />dent upon the particular ciIcumstances <br />presented. However, don't be surprised if <br />the existing facility fails on the first criteri- <br />on of adequacY of space. The reason is <br />that it is not uncorrunon for police depart- <br />ment staffing and operations to have ex- <br />panded significantly with the communi- <br />ty's growth since the time the existing <br />facility was built or acquired. <br />In facti it is not 1.IDcommon to find that <br />an existing police facility provides only 20 <br />to 30 percent of the total space that a de- <br />tailed programming analysis, including <br />the application of standards, finds to be re- <br />quired. The universe from which this state- <br />ment is derived comprises those facilities <br />where shortages of various kinds have de- <br />veloped over a period of many years. <br />The decision whether to reuse and ex- <br />pand an existing facility may be driven <br />more by site considerations than the value <br />of the existing structure. The ability to <br />stay at the existing location eliminates the <br />cost of an alternate site acquisition. And <br /> <br />the existing facility may indeed offer <br />space that has value in a remodeled or re- <br />cycled form. The expanded and remod- <br />eled police facility in Champaign,illinois, <br />is an example of this approach. <br />In the overall evaluation of an existing <br />facility as a candidate for renovation,. cer- <br />tain other ctiteria are likely to be promi- <br />nent Among these are the considerations <br />of existing mechanical, electrical, and tech- <br />nology support systems. With a facility that <br />is 20 or more years old, these systems may <br />very well be at the end of their useful Jives. <br />If the remodeling required is extensive, <br />" the cost of new- partitions, doors, security <br />systems, finishes, equipment, and so on,. is <br />likely to be just as great in an existing build- <br />ing as in a new building.lnfact, in.the most <br />extensive remodeling, the only retained <br />value of the existing building may be the <br />structural frame and exterior enclosure. <br />These components compose only about 10 <br />to 15 percent of the value of the building. <br />It willaiso be important to evaluate <br />whether the functionality of the end result <br />will be comproroised by the configuration <br />of the existing facility. Apparent cost sav- <br />ings achieved through renovation must <br />be compared agaIDst potential reduction <br />in staffing efficiency and quality of ser- <br />vices delivered to the public. Unlike new <br />construction,. the outer limits of the floor <br /> <br />plan are already in place. The plan can't <br />always be shaped to distnoute space in <br />the optimal manner. <br /> <br />The New Facility Alternative <br /> <br />It will usually help in the process to <br />compare the features that can be obtained' <br />through new construction against thos~ <br />achieved, from a remodeling or expan- <br />sion. If for no other reason, this should be <br />done in order to determine the dilierence <br />in cost betw"een the choices. This informa- <br />tion could be instrumental in tipping the <br />decision in one direction or the other. <br />For the purpose ot this comparison, it <br />is not necessary to develop a detailed de- <br />sign for a riew facility: It will normally be <br />sufficient to take the total "gross square <br />footage" that has been developed in the <br />space program at an average "cost per. <br />square foot" according to recent constrnc- <br />tian cost experience for similar buildings <br />in the geographic vicinity: To this, an al- <br />lowance needs to be added for site acqui- <br />sition (if any), site work, professional fees, <br />and other project expenses. Again,. the ser- <br />vices. of an' experienced professional will <br />generally be helpful and most likely nec- <br />essary to do this properly. <br />Quite clearly. the new construction op- <br />tion brings with it the ability to design a <br /> <br /> <br />PUBLIC SAFElY'S MOST <br />RELIABLE SOURCE <br /> <br />W1th unparalleled search alpabilities and rapid customer service . <br />.response, the power of Spillman so~e remains unchallenged in'the <br />industry: Over 500 users nationwide agree, Spillman. sets the standard for <br />software solutions in disp~ records management, mo~ile, mapping, <br />jail,. and imaging. Cotr.e visit us at IACP, booth 1533. <br /> <br />I <br />..l <br /> <br />Circle no. 120 on Reader Response Card <br /> <br />smlwml <br /> <br />~1Si1!!ik~) <br /> <br />Serving CUSEomers since 19i8 <br />888./ /4.5562 . spillman.a>m <br /> <br />sa~i?"' <br /> <br />5D. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />THE POLICE c...uJP....F/OCTOBER20Q2 105 <br />