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<br />facility that responds directly to .the local <br />law enforcement agency's policing philos- <br />ophy and operational needs. It also allows <br />projected needs to be anticipated in the <br />original design so that they can be accom- <br />modated "gracefully," or with minimal <br />disruption, when they arrive. This calls <br />for an overall master planning strategy to <br />be developed at the earliest conceptual <br />phase of architectural design work. <br />Even if the new constructlon option has <br />the greatest merit in terms of the cost/bene- <br />fit comparison, the question of the disposi- <br />tion of the existing facility willremain. Ide- <br />ally, the existing facility may serve some <br />other govemment need within the service <br />jurisdiction In fact, if it has such potential <br />and another department is going to benefit <br />from acquiring the use of it, the ability to <br />get a positive decision on new construction <br />for the police is going to be greatly en- <br />hanced. Wyoming, Michigan, presents an <br />example of this, where the district court <br />was able to expand into former police space <br />after a new police facility was constructed. <br />In another example---:-the renovation <br />and expansion of the police facility in <br />Champaign, Il!inois-a different set of cir- <br />cumstances was presented. The existing <br />facility was only 12 years old when it be- <br />came abundantly clear that growth in per- <br />nneI and police operations meant that <br /> <br />the extent and quality of services delivery <br />was being seriously compromised. Avail- <br />able lockers were insuffident for male per- <br />sonnel and almost nonexistent for female. <br />personneL LobbV space could not accom- <br />modate the number of tL.<;ers, and tnP.rP. \NrI~ <br /> <br /> <br />New construction allows a <br />public safety agency to <br />design a facility that <br />responds directly to the <br />agency's policingphiloso- <br />phy and operational needs. <br /> <br />no space available for confidential inter-, <br />views with victims and witnesses. 1be list <br />of problems, similar to those faced in exist- ~ <br />mg taOuues everywhere, went on and on. <br />In Champaign's case, howev~r, an as- <br />sessment of the physical plant and sur- <br />rounding site found that expansion md <br />remodeling of the existing structure could <br />be accomplished at a lowe~ cost than new <br /> <br />construction. Instead of a 'total new cOn~ <br />struction project of almost $15 million, in- <br />eluding site acquisition, a budget of $10 <br />million was adopted as feasible for an ex- <br />panded facility meeting current and pro- <br />jected needs and incorporating contem~ <br />pOtary police facility design concepts. . <br />Ultimately, through the diligent efforts of <br />the total architectural engineering team, <br />the project was brought in a million dol- <br />lars under budget at $9 million. <br />The Champaign police facility is also <br />an el<ample of the critical importance of <br />developing a renovation and expansion <br />plan that allows existing ope:rations to <br />continue 24 hours per day and seven days <br />per wee!<;, unimpeded by the construction <br />activities that need to be conducted. In <br />this case, this was accomplished by <br />""'W!'apping" new space around the exist~ <br />ing building for administration, investi- <br />gations, patrol, records, and public lobby <br />functions. Existing operations then <br />moved into the new space upon its com. <br />pletion and the "vacated" existing space <br />was renovated for support functions, <br />such as trainiri& break rOOID, roll call, e0- <br />dence and property storage, tactical oper- <br />ations, storage, and the like. Again, this <br />strategy allowed the project to be com- <br />pleted under budget and in less time than <br />originally thought necessary, .:. <br /> <br /> <br />operated by satellite or by landllnes. Your trunking system or any <br />other communications systems can be easily located throughout the <br />uni!. Central communications panels can b~ built for multi-agency <br />response. High-resoiution live video feed, as well as live video teie- <br />conferencing capabilities are easily integrated. The communications <br />aspect of the vehicie can be customized to whatever level of need <br />your department requires, worst case scenarios to high profile visibil- <br />ity in communities as a substation. We custom design the interiors <br />and the communications to meet the demands of your area of opera- <br />.tions. We do this in a cost-effective manner that will allow.even small <br />departments the ability to afford the on-site communications capabili- <br />ties they need. <br /> <br /> <br />· HIGH R;SOumON UVEVlDEO <br />· VIDEO TELECONFERENCING <br /> <br />· ABIUTYTO UPGRADE AS TECHNOLOGY CHANGES <br /> <br />· 28'1'0 3ll' MODElS WiSUDE-OUT <br /> <br />· GRAPHICS INCUJDED <br /> <br />NORTH AMERICAN CATASTROPHE SERVICES, me. <br />863 Washburn Road, Melbourne, FL 32934 <br />Office: 321-259-0888 <br />Fax: 321-259-1505 <br />Toll Free: 888-595-6227 <br />Email: <br /> <br />106 _ THE POLICE CEIEF/OcrOBER 2002 <br /> <br />· COMPlETElRAlNING INCWDED <br /> <br />· WE ARE CAPABLE OF H~"JDU~JG ANY REaUEST <br /> <br />Circle no. 93 on Reader Response Card <br /> <br />....~(. <br /> <br />