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<br />City of Centerville <br />November 13, 2002 <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />City Attorney Hoeft indicated that the number in the resolution would not change <br />regardless of whether they receive clarification on the $3,000. He further clarified that <br />the amount may be reflected in the Phase II assessments but would not affect Phase 1. <br /> <br />Ms. Patty Woolfrey-Flatten, 6814 Grouse Hollow, indicated she had received a letter <br />from the City indicating they owed $30,000. She then indicated she had contacted the <br />City Clerk and was told that she needed to attend the meeting to object to the assessment. <br />She then indicated she had sat through three hours of meeting only to find out that she did <br />not need to be concerned with the assessment because it involves the builder and <br />developer not her. <br /> <br />Ms. Flatten indicated she did not like the demeanor of the conversation with the City <br />Clerk and said she did not feel very welcome as a new resident to Centerville. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg apologized for the misunderstanding. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers asked why the assessment notice was mailed to the <br />property owners. City Attorney Hoeft indicated the City is required to do so to comply <br />with the statute. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra recommended checking with the builder of the house and then <br />said the clerk should have provided more information on this matter. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers commented that her manner might not have been <br />right but the clerk was erring on the side of caution because the notice does not say <br />Ground Development. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg asked that, in the future, this type of question be answered by the City <br />Administrator rather than the City Clerk. <br /> <br />Ms. Flatten said she did not feel very welcome and when she asked to speak to someone <br />beyond the Clerk she was given names but not telephone numbers and was not <br />transferred. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg asked that the City Administrator assure that this never happens again. <br /> <br />Council Member Travis commented that it is his understanding that the figures are <br />estimates and there would be an over under at the end that squares up the estimated <br />numbers. He then said he has no problem with the assessment because he knows they <br />will have a chance to justify the numbers. <br /> <br />Ms. Marty indicated her review suggests that some of the numbers are wrong and high <br />and that is why she is asking that this be continued. <br /> <br />VOTE: Aves - 3, Navs -2(Travis/Broussard Vickers). Motion carried. <br /> <br />Page 18 of29 <br />