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<br />the City Administrator. The Council may change or modify any wages or salary <br />of any employee at any time for budget reasons. <br />Initial appointments to full-time positions will normally be made at the adopted <br />wage for the applicable job class. Exemptions may be made to the starting rate <br />at the discretion of the City Council, based on additional education, training, <br />qualifications and/or experience above that normally required for the position. <br /> <br />6.2 Pay Periods <br /> <br />Employees shall be paid by check, bi-monthly on alternate Thursdays. The pay <br />received by an employee will be exclusively for the hours worked during the pay <br />period plus any holidays, compensatory time, vacation days, and sick days as <br />applicable. ; <br /> <br />6.3 Work Hours <br /> <br />All employees are expected to perform their regular work duties when required to <br />do so by their supervisor, including situations where the workday or workweek <br />requires additional hours or different hours from that normally scheduled. <br /> <br />< <br />It is expected that all employees will report to work on time, use their available <br />hours to the best advantage, and leave only after the regular workiflg hours are <br />completed. <br /> <br />The regularly scheduled work week for full-time, non-supervisory employees is <br />eight (8) hours per day and forty (40) hours per week, with the regular work week <br />defined as Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and including rest <br />periods and lunch breaks. <br /> <br />The regularly scheduled work week for part-time non-supervisory employees is <br />less than forty (40) hours per week, including rest periods and excluding lunch <br />breaks. <br /> <br />6.4 Work Breaks <br /> <br />1 Meal Break - Employees working eight or more consecutive <br />hours will be authorized an unpaid meal break. <br /> <br />2 Rest Break - When working under conditions where the use of <br />a rest break is practical, employees will be allowed to take a <br />fifteen-minute break approximately midway through each four- <br />hour shift. The time of the break is subject to the approval of <br />the supervisor. Unused rest breaks may not be accumulated, <br />nor may they be used for any purpose other than a mid-shift rest <br />period. Unused rest breaks may not be used to leave work <br />early. <br /> <br />11 <br />