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<br />~ <br /> <br />SEP 06 '02 14:08 FR FIRSTf'F1 f-IJGO <br /> <br />612 429 8635 TO 4298629 <br /> <br />P.01/02 <br /> <br />~Js.o <br /> <br />01'E1l.ATING PROCEDVJU:S MANUAL <br /> <br />namrr V3-C <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />AUTHORITY OF A COMPORATION, PARTNERSHIP, A$SOCIATION..!. OR <br />SIMILAR ORGANIZATION TO SeCURE A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX ANc TO <br />DESIGNATE THE PERSON OR PERSONS TO HAVE ACCESS THERETO. <br /> <br />To <br /> <br />~OJll'~~II.V"l'_ <br /> <br />'Ij1p. of Account (CheCk "na) <br /> <br />o CoI;loraUon <br />Cl Pal1n8l'Stlip . <br />Cl Umited Liabiity Compeny <br />Cl AAClCiation <br />Cl 011I... <br /> <br />--- <br /> <br />Dale <br /> <br />At 8 ragul..- meeting of the <br />hale! on l/'ie cf8y 01 20--, !It which B qUClrum <br />of the governing body was present. a resolutlon was presentaCl and unanimously PlaSsed. aulhc)rb;ng the <br />members, /)8rtf1em or ollicera deaignaled below to soeure, by I'\lnlal agreement from the above Financial <br />Instl1u~on. one or more !llIfe depQ$~ bOlI(s) line! autnortzfng any one 0 or any two 0 01 the followlns par- <br />e...._ <br />scns in the irannctlon of bus'ne.. (InCluding rantal, _n, oontn>I and surrender) on said safe depoa~ <br />box. <br /> <br />Name <br /> <br />TIlle <br /> <br />Spedmen S~nature <br /> <br />Be it further rllSOlved. thlllthls "'Solution snail remain In tun Ioree end "lfeclunUJ rev,,1<ed in writing by <br />said firm and that this resolution supercede. end CllnI:Bls al\ previo~. rwolutlons pertinent 10 Hie <br />depO$~ box. <br /> <br /> ...,,- <br /> - ,,,. <br /> ,... - <br /> - <br />"n~ u.. Only <br /> - ,.. <br />IloxN<> ... <br /> - <br />SC><No <br />eOXNo <br /> <br />X>>oI1Z'Oi} <br />