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<br />Si:F' r<l6 '132 14:(39 F'R FrRSTAR HJGO <br /> <br />~o <br /> <br />liD Date: <br />lie 4 IIf4 <br /> <br />612 42'3 8635 TO 4298629 <br /> <br />P.02/(J2 <br /> <br />S <br /> <br />OPERATING PROCEDVRES MANUAL <br />Operatilll Procedure: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />OSIT DO <br /> <br />a. Sole PrOprietorship - only tho ow.ner of tI1e business is authorized to <br />add or dol.eto signers on a Safe Deposit Bolt. <br /> <br />b. Partnership - all partnlll'S involved in the bUBiness lUllIlt sign the new <br />resolution authorizing a change of sign(U'Son the box. <br /> <br />c. Limited Partnership - all the general partners involved in the business <br />must sign the new resolution authorizing a c;hange in signers on the <br />box. <br /> <br />d. COJpoIlltion':" the ~ of the c;ompany must approve tho change <br />in the SignetS by signing the resolutiDll. <br /> <br />e. Association/Organization - Non-l'rofit - the secretary must approve <br />the change in signers by signing the new resolution. For-Profit (II <br />partnership resolution is used) - all tpe partnerslmembers involved <br />must sign the new Safe Deposit Box: Business Resolution autllotizing <br />the change of signers. <br /> <br />r. Limited Liability Company - the secretary/lllllDBgerlmcmber must <br />approve the chanae in signers by signing the new resolution. <br /> <br />g. Limited Liability Partnership - all authorizod partners involved in the <br />bllSiness must sign the new resolution authorizing a change in signlll'S. <br /> <br />2. Once the branch TCIleives the new completed contract and resolution. <br />veri1Y 1ha.t the two QOcumOtltS are in agreement. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Remove the old conlIlIct and resolution :!rom the active file, malic II <br />notation on the surrender section oItbe contract 'New signers (date)'. A <br />signer on the box does not need to sign the S1J[I'll%Idcred sec1ion. The box <br />is n01 being surrendered, only the signers are being changed. <br /> <br />4. Makes a notation on the new cont:ract. 'New signers. Originally opened <br />(date)'. Attach the new contract to the 014 conttact and file it in the branch <br />file. Attach the new resolution to the old resolution and file in a central <br />location with other Safe deposit Box records. <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />** TOTRl PRGE.02 ** <br />