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City of Centerville <br />City Council Meeting <br />Apri122, 2009 <br />dump station. They would eventually want to connect the RV dump station and the <br />visitor center to the municipal sewer but, in the interim, they would put in a holding tank <br />for the visitor center. In 3-5 years, City water and sewer would be added. <br />Councilmember Paar stated that he would like it in writing that City water and sewer <br />would be put in within 5 years. He added that the City is asking residents to hook up to <br />City water and sewer, and the County should also be required to do so. <br />City Engineer Statz stated that there is only a small amount of sewage. <br />Councilmember Paar inquired whether there was ever a problem on a busy holiday <br />weekend for the city sewer on Mound Trail. <br />City Engineer Statz replied that no, there would be plenty of capacity. <br />Councilmember Fehrenbacher stated that he agreed the water and sanitary service should <br />be installed within 5 years, and that should be in writing. <br />Motion by Council Member Paar, seconded by Council Member Fehrenbacher, to <br />approve a Site Plan Review for the County Visitor Center, with the agreement that <br />the facility would be hooked up to City sewer within 5 years and to city water when <br />it is available. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br />9. Payment of Warranty Retainage to Mr. Dennis Shudy - $100,000 <br />City Administrator Larson stated that the City's Real Estate Purchase Agreement with <br />Mr. Shudy has a warranty retainage. He stated that everything appears to be fine. He <br />added that there is also a $27,000 escrow retainer with the title company that the City will <br />have to sign off on. <br />Councilmember Paar stated that, if the City returns the $100,000 it still would have <br />$27,000 in retainage. He stated that he feels confident that the remainder will be <br />sufficient. <br />City Administrator Larson stated that the Agreement states that Mr. Shudy will receive <br />5% interest. <br />Motion by Council Member Paar, seconded by Council Member Fehrenbacher, to <br />approve the payment of the Warranty Retainage to Mr. Dennis Shudy in the <br />amount of $100,000 plus 5% interest. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br />IX. ANNOUNCEMENTS/UPDATES <br />1. City Administrator, Dallas Larson <br />a. Finance Director Position <br />Page 8 of 11 <br />