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<br />(0) The proposed total development is designed in a manner as to form a desirable and unified <br />environment within its own boundaries; <br /> <br />(H) The plans required under this section must be submitted in a form which will satisfy the <br />requirements of Chapter 153 for the preliminary and final plans; <br /> <br />(1)- Permission to develop specific parcels ofland under the proviSIOns which follow shall be <br />binding on all construction. Any change in the development plan after approval by the City Council <br />shall be resubmitted for consideration; and <br /> <br />(J) Subdivision review under the subdivision chapter shall be carried out simultaneously with the <br />review of a PUD under this section. <br />1154.220 USES PERMITTED. <br /> <br />Permitted uses may include any combination of dwelling units in single-family, 2-family, town or <br />row houses; any nomesidential use to the extent the nomesidential use is designed and intended to <br />serve the residents of the planned unit development; public or private education facilities; or other uses <br />permitted in, the zoning district in which the. planned unit development is located. When a PUD <br />proposes a mixture of residential uses with commercial uses, the Council may limit the development of <br />not more than 10% of the tract to commercial uses. <br /> <br />1154.221 RELATIONSHIP OF PUD SITE TO ADJACENT AREAS. <br /> <br />The design of a PUD shall take into account the relationship of the site to the surrounding areas. <br />The perimeter of the PUD shall be so designed as to minimize undesirable impact of the PUD on <br />adjacent properties, and conversely, to minimize undesirable impact of adjacent land use and <br />development characteristics on the PUD. <br /> <br />I 1154.222 ~~!.... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -i Deleted: MINIMUM <br /> <br />A PUD m!Y be used on any- develooment of more than two (2) residential units. A PUD mav be <br />used for any commercial or industrial development. <br /> <br />_ ~ Deleted: shaI1 <br />-..... Deleted: c:onsi81 orot least 10 acres <br /> <br />1154.223 MINIMUM LOT SIZE. <br /> <br />The minimum lot size requirements of other sections of this chapter do not apply to a PUD except <br />that the minimum lot size requirements of the underlying zone shall serve as a general guideline to <br />determine the maximum dwelling unit density of the total development. <br /> <br />1154.224 SETBACK AND SIDE YARD REQUIREMENTS. <br /> <br />Notwithstanding other provisions of this subchapter, setback and side yard requirements oflots in <br />a PUD shall be at least equivalent to the spacing requirements of buildings similarly developed under <br />the terms of this chapter on separate parcels. <br /> <br />1154.225 ACCESS TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. <br /> <br />52 <br />