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<br />not stated as acceptable in the official control, but only as applied to a particular property <br />for the purpose of alleviating a hardship, practical difficulty or unique circumstance as <br />defined and elaborated upon in a community's respective planning and zoning enabling <br />legislation. <br />(Ord. 33-A, passed 4-12-1989) <br /> <br />1155.05 LANDS TO WHICH THIS CHAPTER APPLIES. <br /> <br />This chapter shall apply to all lands within the jurisdiction of the city shown on the <br />official zoning map and the attachments thereto as being located within the boundaries of <br />the Floodway or Flood Fringe Districts. <br />(Ord. 33-A, passed 4-12-1989) <br /> <br />1155.06 ADOPTION OF MAPS.', <br /> <br />The official zoning map together with all materials attached thereto is hereby <br />adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this chapter. The attached material shall <br />include the flood insurance study for the city prepared by the Federal Insurance <br />Administration and Flood Insurance Rate Map dated June 2, 1999. The official zoning <br />map shall be on fue in the office of the Administrator and the County Auditor. <br />(Ord. 33-A, passed 4-12-1989) <br /> <br />1155.07 REGULATORY FLOOD PROTECTION ELEVATION. <br /> <br />(A) Residential zoning district. Within a residential zoning district, the regulatory <br />flood protection elevation shall be an elevation no lower than 2 feet above the elevation <br />of the regional flood plus any increases in flood elevation caused by encroachments on <br />the floodplain that result from designation of a floodway. <br /> <br />(B) Commercial and industrial zoning districts. Within a commercial and industrial <br />zoning district, the regulatory flood protection elevation shall be an elevation no lower <br />than 1 foot above the elevation of the regional flood plus any increases in flood elevation <br />caused by encroachments on the floodplain that result from designation of a floodway. <br />(Ord. 33-A, passed 4-12-1989; Am. Old. passed 1-9-1991; Am. Ord. passed 9-23-1992) <br /> <br />1155.08 INTERPRETATION OF CHAPTER AND MAPS. <br /> <br />(A) In its interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be held <br />to be minimum requirements and shall be liberally construed in favor of the City Council, <br />and shall not be deemed a limitation or repeal of any other powers granted by state law. <br /> <br />(B) The boundaries of the zoning districts shall be determined by scaling distances <br />on the official zoning map. Where interpretation is needed as to the exact location of the <br />l;K>undaries of the district ~ shown on the official zQning map, as for example, where <br />there appears, to be a conflict between a mapped boundary and actual field conditions and <br />there is a formal appeal of the decision of the Zoning Administrator, the Board of <br />Adjustment shall make the necessary interpretation. All decisions will be based on <br />elevations on the regional 1 DO-year flood profile and other available technical data. <br />Persons contesting the location of the district boundaries shall be given a reasonable <br />opportunity to present their case to the Board of Adjustment and to submit technical <br /> <br />4 <br />