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<br />At the time the committee was open to the idea and the possibility of involving the Centennial Little <br />League. Mr. Jay Peterson said it was determined that the cost of re-establishing the turf and installing <br />irrigation was too high and they would like to see how it works this next season before discussing the <br />possibility of improving the turf or irrigation. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Chairperson Peterson, seconded by Committee Member Peil to recommend <br />to City Council the approval or the Centennial Soccer Club altering the existing soccer field, <br />closest to the parking lot, to accommodate two (2) east/west uatu6 micro-soccer fields. The <br />Public Works Staff wiD ensure the area is mowed. The Centennial Soccer Qub would be <br />responsible for supplying the nets & goals, laying the field out, striping it and scheduling the <br />usage with a list of the coaches supplied to Public Works Staff. The Centennial Soccer Club <br />would have dedicated use of these fields Monday through Thunday from 5 p.m. to dusk <br />beginning early in May 2006 through mid-July. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />,Z1 <br />