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<br /> <br />Minnesota Lawful Gambling <br />LG215 Lease for Lawful Gamblin <br />. Sbeelliddnlss <br />.,..... <br />o ~~.( <br />Name of Iassor. Sbeelliddnlss <br />(If same as legal owner, write In ..SAME~). <br />K~d""r( r' q".E?;~.:~t 'GfZ- <br />Nameofleasedpramlses Sln>elliddnlss <br />/(4~ ~:S ~~~e.. -1M ., ''i,,.;r, <br />Name of (organIzation'-lngl\lepnllll.....) , ." <br /> <br />\;>;1rr(,-.. r' ~ <br />f!1\i ~ ?V~ t . I , ~;( j::-' <br />I, _., _ ,~l " ;. ,:.,;"', <br />.,j ",' '::;J" ,'. OT,1'i1:'r:# <br />i.1. .';_t)-<i~l. ~~ .f'1 . Ir'i <br />--..;/ - ,W ""fiJ L.-1 <br /> <br /> <br />Sale <br />I'YV 5'S-01 <br />Sale <br /> <br />5/04 <br />Page 10(2 <br />~ Daytime pima <br />Cryj ?$3 1B8ro <br />~ " Daytime pima <br /> <br />e.....k-'d~-f..{l ~..k...r//1&- /'(1/ ~;;t?$. 'tJ.1-t>J,I!;. <br />OW ~ DayIlme phone <br />~,,/fe /l,v .r.:lOJ8 :r. -~n /&>77 <br />0rga1lzaIlqn Iloen8enumber , . Daytime phone <br /> <br />';;.1.-;',';> <br /> <br />Rent Information <br />(for ad:Mty iJ1V)lMng pulHabs. tlpboanls. padd/ewheeIs, III1d'puII-tab dlspensilig cIaOOes. No IoIIse l'!qU1n!d for rallies,) <br />- ....-. salesd'll"mblng equipment by 10 ...~ (ar' --. .........-.,......of gambling "'lulpmontWllNn a leased <br />'IOIun12tr) of. _ _nlzallon wIIl~ a '"""'"'" ."dosun!lhat II '... .......... by an ernpIovee rI tI1e...... from . a>mmon al9 wf1ere <br />~~r~~~~~~~~~~_~____~~~~_~________, <br />.' . _ Do.- your orguJutIon OR any aa... orpnIzatIon c>>nduct MJIIIIIn1l <br />. ..' f,,,n.. booth~ atltlklocatlon? _V. ,..k::::.fIo ' <br />L_____~-___-~---~-------__~~--~------~ <br />If you answered yes 10 the questlon above, rent IIm1l1 iI/1! . Jfyou answered no,fu ttoe l\Iiesl!OlI above. rent IImlIs "'" <br />based on tlie tOIlov,ing comblnirt!ons d operation: based on thefolJoMng ~ of ope;aIk.n: <br />Bootll operation BaroperatfofJ. " "." .... <br />- IIootiI operation and pull-tab dispensing devItll - Bar cperalIon WIlI1 puI~ cIlspensIng devltll <br />- BoolhOperatlonlindbaroPerau<;n' . ." . Pull-tabdf5Peno;lngclevlceOnly' <br />IIootiI operatfon, bat operation, and pull-tab dlspenslrig device <br />lhe.~~'!1rerita~li1ayi1oc~lhe~;' Thl_mlmrent~rnaY';;;"exa!elItI1ellmlls <br />estabI~ undei' Iollnilesota.SIatute 349.18, &lbcl.1(bl{ 4). es.tIbllshed UIIllerI;Vnrlesola Statute 349.18,SUbcI. 1(bl{4). <br />1h~ Iimlt~~bf~i;2094t$$(7.~O In'loIal permoirth Thellmtasllf~ 1, 20041$ ~In IIllal per month <br />farallorgilnlzlltlonsatthlsJll""'lSes.. forallcrganIZallCOl!at~~ . <br />;'; -~ <br />Com",~", ~,!lpl:lQn: . Compl__ Oplfon: <br />~on.'. .~'O!P..!l\'ll>'llf ti1jJj.l'(lSS profits per month. . OptIon A: 010 20'11o afd1e llJ!l5S profits per month. <br />~tageto~re'~;~% .... . . PertenlagetDbepald' E-% ' <br />" : ;;:;::~::",: "':,:':;\'ttf': :'.'.',~ ~:':<,':~; ;,::",; ,,' ~,'" ,,-", ,,' "", ,'., ',- _ ~ ',;:~:' 0/>.,_ ,', ::';,)~;i;~,:,J:' :w>-_,..- ,;. ->" ;',C''',;'';,:-',' ;, .c." . <br />Option B: wne,j~ profits are $4.000 or less ~ 11'1OIlth, $0 100ptlciri Bf When gra;s prCIftsare $1,000 or less per month, $0 III <br />$4OOperl1lO!'ljli'may~'paicl.'~lx>liepald$ "", $201)'Perll1onIlHI,aybepalcl;ArnOOritlobepald$ . <br />, _'_,' ~ "'\';~"~~:~~i.-~:,{:':~,::r;;"':>~,"::.?' ., ,,',"-'.;:~~;:_':.,\>'/E<',,;~;:-,}>:::, ,_-, <:,/,.- ... <br />OptlQn ~ $O.lQl!I!O,Permontl1 maybii paid 6!1~"I'$t$4,OO(I: q~c: $OtofmO per monll\lll8Y be paid on thellrst $1.000 <br />~~":~~~ij~!e~~k/t '~:';':.isilt\!'l"~Jofl!t~~~tp!!e~,$ ..... monit.",,' Plus 0'11o In. <br />-. .'., ~Pt~+~..j>lI..PI'[. . C"g.+~;" m;.,.~\,!~!!'li!Y. ~W '. , gnsprollts <br />over $~,OOO;' ~to bil'iiakI OC'" .', %' ~'j~"""'''''''' cQVei'$I,!Jll!l" ~tI!be palO'"'II> <br />ar~II-ta."bsactl~';MtI'-ta'. bs""'W" ~~~~ng~L'."'- 11':':':"':'" .""':Y:," '.'0'''.>..''''''<';'''''' ' ., .0' <br />VPlJII -"" '"''''''''''_ _,_ ........_ -'C:.I'aCIClIeWIleel'hd.'ti.heei.Withtable <br />. ,.. ,.,. . Rctntlnformatlon:\Blngo .0' <br />Blngoancl!Cl!:JIarBInI/O~lons ,..,/ ,... '..Nooit'tlourlllngcl........._. <br />=~.:.::~rln1a~~:ero::,~:v~; . .'Rerit'1rIaY riOt~;'~$25w day for noon hour <br />. $200 per ocrasIOn fcl. up In 6,000 squar. fellI: blI1gQ., t;CIld~ "~1!lSI 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. at a <br />. $300 peroa:aslOn fui up In filet ~ wIIIl a license for tile sale of IntnxIcaIIng <br />. $400 per oc:tasIonfor mote II1an 1~OO(jSqOiJnl.reet' ." '''~ontheprer''- <br />. $25 per DCX:IIS!OO ~r ~~bIngocondu~;t~l!iit'~.~". Rent to Ill! paid per liIngo ~ $ <br />ba'(Fe!1~rdless,~.,~~e).y'1l!r,~~,:, ...,e.c,^"",,',,'\.1.'.i,'\ \..... . '. <br />must tIlridlid: an,ol!jlir fQnn ,of Iawf\!!Jli1Il]!lJl!illtilr.J!l.}:lle ,r. FGi~-=bIrlIO~IiGI:~I.IY:' <br />~-=:.~ ~ng liquor ~ ~'~0", .1,,~'~'.P1"'-""7r.It~~. I <br />" ...... . "'.;" . ,." '.' ' .. """.I~..~.~n,>1l. .JlIlIlOI!!:......tfIe I <br />Rent to be paldpefl1lngo 0Gt:aSI0n $ . , .. ': "~lIndllaintMt"'wlllbliiliindo"""" <br />. .',.' -":';"'...' .-~. ".,"H ;~..J.'~: ""'L-.;;.;.;:,..;...,__:..;.....;;.;.;.",;w',.~"~/-'~~.:-.~;,,;,;,,,;.__..J <br />Am d d...Jfll1lsl!>an....,dedlollse"'-fng.~OCCJningd~rlng lBII\aflheaarorltprem/$f;lJllll'll1!t, partfes <br />." en e tI1atsIgriMttleleaoiemusl:I~~dIlIeaD~gils:Oilingein\ilstbe'su~lx>ltiitGliiTtiIiigOx1lnllBoan:l <br />'Lease ,!,,"'10.~ jIrio.1o lhe change;" WrIte In lhediate.lllatlhedtangGSwII txi.~~~_' <br />Only..,.". ..'''..,' I"" .'..' ",', ". '. .' " <br />LesSor . . Date , o.....n/zatIcn ""'" . <br />