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<br />LG215 Lease. for Lawful Gambling Activity <br /> <br />IlegaI Gambling ':,' . '. . <br />o The lessor Is aware ct\he prohibit!onagalnsl; Illegal gambling <br />In Minnesota Slatul2s609,75, and \he penalties forRIega/ <br />gambling \'loIalIons In Minnestta Rules 7861.0050, ~ 3. <br />o To \he best otthe Iessor's ~ the lessor aIIIms that <br />any and all games or devlres 10CiltI!d on the pn!IlIIses arenat <br />being used, and are pot capable ofbelng used,ln a "","neI' <br />lhatvlolales the prohRitlons aQairlst Illegal \ii1mbllng In. <br />M1nnesotaSlatul2s609.75,~f\dthe penaiUl!slbrlHegal' . <br />gambling \'loIalIons In Milll1eSlltii ~.7861.~, ~3. <br />o NotwltIlStlndlng Minnesota Rules 7861.0050, SUbpart 3, an <br />~nlzatIon roostconlinue maIcing rent PlIl'I'l"IIls, pulSlJlll1t <br />to the terms of thelease, If the organization or it$aQents are <br />found to be scIeIy responsiblelbr any ftlegalgambUnglXlndudEll <br />at that site thatl. prohibited by MlnneSala Rules 7861~OOSO, . <br />Subpart I, or Minnesota SIlltul2s609.75,lJ/1lessthe. . <br />~nlzatIon'.agenls resp<lI1SIbIetorthe l1iegai garilIlng <br />actMty are also a~or ,:,"ploYees of the lessor, . . _.....\ndII8iye - ~nts paid as rent by the a<ganlzatlon to <br />o Thelessorshall notrnodllYartennIniltel!le lease In whllIeor . the lessor areall-lnduslve (exceptblngorent). No other ser.1oes or <br />In part because the organization ~ to a slatB or Icc3I expenses provlded or lXlIltraded by the less<lr may be paid by the <br />~Wenfun:emer\l: autholjty or the Boalll the oa:unenc:e atlhe '., ,organlml:Ion, ~but notllmlb!d to bash """"'"", janftalaI <br />siteotftlegal gamDung""""';' In which the Organfzatlcn did not..'; and cleanlng ~ "!lO\'I~, lawn servloes, electrldly, <br />partldpate." . -~N . ....... heal',seQlr!ty,'i"Clil1tYrnonltDl1rtg,sIIlrilge;otherU\llltlesor <br />~__~L~ '.. ". .... . '.'. .,~,i\ndllJlI\e~!lfbaropendlons,cashshootages. Any <br />vu_n.....~uuns " ..... . "y,:.othereicpendl\uresmaclebVan nbatlanlhatlsrelatedtoa <br />oThelessorwlllnotlmpcserestrfcllcnsontpeorgal1llat:lortwl1ll.V' . ....,.., orga... <br />respeatD pI"OIiIdeiS (dlstributlirs)of~ "'~,,";iei:t'i' ~ ~~IlIU5I:bl!app1MldbyllledlrndllrlitheGan1bllng <br />d', .... ",,,elL ,".' ContrdBoard. Rl!ntpaymentsmaynotbemacletoanlndMdual. <br />an servk:.e;;.or,!,thl;US!l'!~Pfll!ltsfor~pu~i '. " . , <br /> <br />Acknowl8d91ll~!1t!?f.lJ!ase Ten'(!,~,... ; ; .'. ' . . '.' , <br />All obligatloos and agreemeiJts are alIIlaIned'ln or lIIllIthed to thls.\ease and .... subject to the ~ li the d_ of the GambIlng <br />Control Board. 1 allIrm that lhe kolse InfonnatIon Is lhe~1 iu\d only lI!Ireement between the """'" and the cirganImIon. Thl!l1lls no <br />other agreement and no other axISIderation required between the paJ1Ies as to the lawful glKI1b/Ing and _ _ n!/aled to the <br />\ease, ~yl:l1all!le51n lhls Ieiise will be submitted to the Gambling 0Xlt10I Board at least 10 days prior to the eIredIYe date d the <br />change.' . ' . <br />other T"nu or conditio...: <br /> <br />LeaseTerm - The term oflhls lease agreement wftl be <br />ronamentwlth lhe premises perm~ Issued by the Gambling <br />Control Board (Board), <br /> <br />Mafta1lementofGambling ProIIlbitled "The owner Orthe <br />premises or the iessorwW notmanagethe ainduct ofgambllng <br />at the premises. <br /> <br />Paatidpation as Players Pnihlbltlld - Theiessor, the Iessoi-'. <br />lmmedlatefarrily, and anyagenls orgambllng'einj:lIcl,.,es of the <br />\essorwfB not partldpate as players In the conductli lawfUl <br />gambling on the prerrises.' . <br /> <br />5/04 <br />Page2of2 <br /> <br />o The iessor, the Ie5sclr's Inmedlate fanily, and any agents or <br />employees lithe Iessorwftl not require the a<ganl2ation to <br />perform any action that WOiJId violate statute or rule, <br /> <br />o Iflhere Is a dispute as to whelher any oflhese lease provisions <br />ha..... ~ violated, the \ease WtI1 remaln In eIfett pending a final <br />detEmilnatIon by the CompIIanre RevieW Group (CRG) otthe <br />GamblIng ConlroIIlOOrd. <br /> <br />. The'lessor'shall rrotmodllYor_lhIs ~Ili whole or In <br />palt due III the Iessot's VlolatIon lithe prtwfslons listed In this <br />lease. <br /> <br />,Aabibllltlon ProeMs-The \essor agreesto arbilratlon when a <br />violation lithese lease prcMsions Is al\eged. The arbitrator shall be <br />lhe O<<i. . <br /> <br />. .' Aaaa to permitIIld...-... -The Board and Its agents, lhe <br />tomJ, of revenue and public safety and lhelr agents, and <br />law enfI.Cb,...-.t personnel have acx:ess to lhe pennItIEd premises <br />at any reasonable \ime dUlfng the business hours of the \essor. <br /> <br />TheOlllanlzatlon hasacoess to the perIIlItttd prenises during Il'I'/ <br />time reasonable and when necessaryforthe a>nduct<:l lawful <br />Ili'rrb!Ing onl\1e premses. . <br />IaIor __ - The IessorshaB maln1a1n a recml liaR money <br />~ froiillheoiganlzatlon, and maIce the recml ilV8Bableto <br />the Board and' lISiIgents, andthe axmlIs!Ioners d revenue and <br />pUblic safety and their agents upon demand. The I!!CXlfd shall be <br />malnllllned lbr a period <:I301{2 years. <br /> <br /> <br />"-'.lIO- <br />, ' <br /> <br />jges . -L <br />SIg",\1U" of organ <br />f J./tt 1\1'; ,.. t;-.2I'"f) <br />; Print _ and1llle 01.... <br />QuestloI1s on this form shoWd be dlreded to the Ua!I1slngSedlOq <:I the GamblIng ConlroI Board (Boanl) at 651-639--4000. <br />ThIs 'piJbl,lcalkin wfQ be: rilade available 1Ii.~ fi>iniat (Lii:.~ Print, BnIBIe) upon request. If yOu use a m, yoo can <br />caU theBOanl by using lh. Minn.esota Relay SerVIcoi.nd ll5k to pIaqe " .6Si-639-lOOO. The Infom1atIon requested on <br />this form wID become public Information when rec:elved by lhe Board, and wlU be used to d<UrmIne yOur ccmpUance with <br />Mlnnesal1l statutes and rules governing lawful gambUng l!dMUes. <br />