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<br />. <br /> <br />LG215 Lease for Lawful .(iambllng !<t:tlvlty <br /> <br />Lease Term" The term oftl1ls lease agieement wDl be <br />aJllllJtrentWith thepremlsesPE!l/ll~ Issued by the Gambling. <br />Control Boaltl (Boaltl). '. .' <br />'.'\ ) .' <br />ManagemelltO\' Gllmblillll Prohibited - The owner of the <br />premises or the lessor will n9t manage the <Xll1ductof gambling <br />at the premises. <br />, .", " . , ,- . 'I .'~< <br />Palticlpatlon as Plav- Prohibited, The IessOi; ihll ieSSor's , <br />Immediate fatrily, and any agents or garOOling employees of the . . <br />Iessor\\fR not partfdpate as players In the ccnductoflawful " <br />~oo the premises. '. . . '.' .., <br /> <br />5/04 <br />Page2of2 <br /> <br />o The IessoJ; the \essc(s Inmedlale famliy, and any agents or <br />employees ofthelessorlMll not requirell)e organization to <br />perform any aetton that woUld 'lloIate statute or rule. <br />o If there Is a dispute as lD Whether any oflhese lease prcNlsIans <br />have been 'IIoIated, the'lease WIll remain In eIfect pending a NnaI <br />detennlnatlon by the ~Iance RM!w Group (CRG) of the <br />. GamblIng COntrnl Boerd. . . <br />'0 Thelessa'shaII nctrnadIfY orterrnlnatethls lease Iri whoIe<< In <br />part due to the IessoI's 'IIolatIon oftl1e pro'IIslcns listed In this <br />\: lease... <br /> <br />IIIegaIGllmbling ...... ""'.' <br />o The lessor is aware dthe prohlbftion against Illegal gambllnil <br />In Minnesota Slalu~ 609,75, and the penallles torfl/egal <br />gambling \ilolaIions in MIl1lleSlllll Ru\e1l7861.ooSO, SUbpart 3... . AClC8M to permitIled pIWII.... - The Boaltl and Its agents, the <br />o To the best of the lessor's knowledge, the leSSor afllrins that ; j. . . .commIssIoners of revenue and public: SllfrI:t and their agents, and <br />any and all games or devices lOcated on the pren:IIso!S al1! not law personnel havea<:a!SStothe pennitIEd premises <br />'. being used, and are nctcapable ofbelng ~ In a manner at any reasonable lime during the business hours of the lessor. <br />that_ the prohl!itiotis against Illegal gambling II! <br />Minnesota Statutes 609.75, and the penalties for Dlegal The Organization has iICXl!SS lDthe P"''' itIcd prenises during any <br />gambling \ilolaIions InMll1lleSlllll Rules 7861.0050, SUbpart 3. time .reasonable and when nea55aryforthe oonductoflawlU <br />o NotwIthstanding Minnesota Rules7861.005O,Subpart3,an gantlIIngonthe~ , . <br />organlzaUon must aJnt/nue making rent paymenls, pursuant ~1'IlCl!I$. The IessorshilD malntaln a recatI ofa/I money <br />to the tennsofthe lease; IftheOtgan/2allon or lIsageiJlsare' ~ li'oiiiil1it~,..-I illakethe recatI avaDabieto <br />found to be solelY respcinslbIe for'anr. UI!!gaI gambling CXllIduc:ted' the Board lIIld .1:5 lI!)l!rIlS, and the ConIrlIssloners <! l'eY8lUe and <br />at thatsilethat Is pl!lhlblled tiy Minnesota Rules 7861.0050; JllIbllcsafelY and tI1eir ageI1ls lJIlClI!ckmand. The recatI shall be <br />SUbpartl,orMlnnesotaSlatlJles609.75,iJnressthe ' . '1!"fntalnedfilraperlodof3-1/Zyears:' . . <br />organlzaUon'sagentstl!5ponSlblefortheDlegal gamb!ir19 " '. <br />activity are also~~nts()l""'1lP~ ofl:lll~~. .' . .llllnt.n-lndullye ~ A/nQullt$ paid till rent by the organlzlltlon to <br />· The lessor shaliriotni<!dill/tir~tjte\~.;o; Ii1 ~!>CI!t llI",' :\I,1e lessor are a1HndU!We (ellCeptblngO~). No otherser'lla!s or <br /> <br />:~~~=~=!~':;I:,~~~::,~the <br />. partldpale. . .' ". '; l1ear, set\I!IlY, $llCjIJIty inDnllllrfng. SI!nge, other utlIIlIes or <br />OUterPlohDlltlons ., ..... .' ......,'!~:,i:r-~=~~~~~""i.,~ . <br />o The.~VIi1Inot~onll\e~l'lfth:h~; ~'~Il1I!'ii:l"!!~bithedlrecta"oftheGilmll&lg <br />respect prlI\'IdeIi;(. ")" ~llflll~'~BoIII"<I. Rentpayrnenlsm,av~bemadelDanlndl\;lual. <br />and~,!,:!n~,~se~.!)."4;profIIS~~P'!~.';S/"i": , ....... :.;',;d'. .. .,' <br />~~~~~g~f~!t~~~~'~~~~'~,~~~~~of~dke<ioroftheGolNllng' <br />COntrol BoIIItI. 1 '!fIIrm that the lease information Ist!leli!b!I,iiric!~.Iy'lIll~ ~ the. lessor onclthe~. There Is no <br />other agreement and no oth... ~llon ,(eqU!lJlil ~ tIMlP!litles as to the IcIwfuI gamb/InjJ and other _ reIaled to the <br />lease. Any dlangE$1n l:!1I5lease. will bl! submitted to the, Gambling COntrol Board at least 10 days prier to the eII'ecIIYe date of the <br />mange." :-..-" l., " ,,",!.;.t ,,, '. ." ,'.'" "'" ,,'~.F '" , <br />other T....... Dr condIt:lD'" . <br /> <br />," <br />AItIItnItIon "- - The lessor agreestoarbilratfon when a <br />lIIo1at1on oftl1ese lease prcMsIons Is alleged. The artlltratxr shaD be <br />theCRG.' , <br /> <br /> <br />. ~ <br /> <br />.,' <br /> <br />~ <br />