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<br />Minnesota Lawful Gambling, . <br />LG215 Lease for Lawful Gamblin <br /> <br />'rf.J'T('- <br />r_ ilf "'[.'1 I " _: ':\ t.. <br />:ri9 ,: ~"J (r\1.'U:.r.. ".rJCll <br /><..I ",~iifJ <I';,. , i'" If <br />. ' ~ .' ~ ilr> <br /> <br /> <br />NameoflegalownerofP!""'1se8 . <br />rr.;1'j.h?~ <br /> <br />~ Z4> <br />.ffiV.d', ... <br />5lafB Z4> <br />5'f01f <br /> <br />5/04 <br />Page1cf2 <br />D8yGme p/xx1e <br />tld'1-VI!? ~ <br />.' DayIfme p/xx1e <br /> <br />~#'"7.- <br />Name ofleased pnlmlse8 streeladdlll88 . , CIIy ." Z4> <br />'/')0 ........ 7C8z.-~;; V ~v?~h. .7004" <br /> <br />~:~~~~lza~Je;'~~~ '1J'-'o3f1~~~~ <br />. Rent Information <br />(foractMly\nv9Mn9 pull'tabs, \lplloards,paddIewheelS;and pulHab dispensk1g dlMaIs. No lease required fer raflles.) <br />Booth 0..,- . saleS cf<JBmblngequipment by "" empIafee (... 'i"c" Bar .....,.AI... -solos rA gambling equlpnent WIthIn oleasel <br />wlJnteer) of a _ organlzallon wlhl10 sepoiob! endooure d\at Is, "" ............ by on emc>li>tee rAlhe....,. _ 0 ccmmon 019 '"'- <br />~~~a!!!,~.!!~ondbev~~.2'L.__ ___f!2l""d~~...."",,_",-,,-~____ __..; <br />. . _ your'0I'lI8I!1zatIon OR'.'" oIIlw ~.' . . cIInd. _......... lng. <br />. . '. from. booth opwMIoa .Uldoloadlon? .; ~"(... ~ 110 , <br />L__~_____~__~~__~_~___~_~~__~~_______~ <br />If you answered yes ,In \he questlon above, n!nt IImfts a,re Jf you ~ no lD the question above, rent 1/mIIs are <br />based on the tbIlOwIng Olmblnillions ci opesalIoo: based crilhel'Olloio.fnlilXlirilinatians d operatfoo: <br />Bocllll>penltlon,. , . - Bar operation' ;', '. . <br />- BocI:h operation ~d pulHab dispensing device Baroperatf~Wit!llJWHab df5penslilg devfO! <br />BocI:h operation and barqleration ". .' . - Pull-lab dispensing devlO! only . <br />- BocI:h operation, bar operation, and IlUIHab dlspenslng dlNlcIi <br /> <br />Daytime phone <br />7- - z.~..n:; <br />Daytime phone <br />t:V- <br /> <br /> <br />" ,'. -, <!o:.'<i _"':"<i,,;;~_;,':';":;:";;": ',.,<,~,i:,:'-: ,t~:;< ') ":~""c:,}~,,_,_,,_:,,~:,;:,:,t"."~', <br />1hen:""'l'1!'Jl!1"'!'ta~l."iIYnot...tI1e!Jmll$" The ~!llrert~ I!)iIYnqtexmedlhellmlls <br />es\llbIlshed~ritler.M1"rlesOta S\atute 349.18, S\lbd., UI>)(4), . esJl!blfsl1e4,~rit\I!f.",/1lIeSllllI S'IabD! 349.18, SUbd. 1(b)(4). <br />Thelil!1ltaSQf:~Y);2QQ4~$l,750 1ri.!litaI p'ermontli Th,!II!nItas~~J,~~ ~in 1IlIa) per month <br />foranOrganIj:iiU<irisatlhls~"'" ...., . forallorganIlatlCll1Sat~~ , <br />==~=1h~9~ProfltsPerItlOlllll. ." .=-:~~igross~permonth~ <br />=;;~~~~~~~,;~'~~.~;~~;~.t~.~'~~~:~<<~permonth'$01n <br />$400 perljK,llttf'!Ja'i:l!epald;:AmoUlltlD l!epldd $"'":'''0''''' .j',$2IlOperriKlnllilliilY l!epaldiAmountlnl!e paid $ , <br />:, ,~..:t:~."~~'?:'~":~~~.::. ~;ttt:~~~tf.::":,:; /~>\ ; 4.. ::"\~~;:/f$2ijW4;1~~~~. \r~~';~~_:;;'}i:,..';'-~; -,:;>,.:;j~~, ..-' <br />OptiOllC; $Ote$,~~~ fl1ilV ~Jl~~'''f1I!!~~_$:4;~9~c;$O~.-mo per month maybe paid 011 \he flrst$l,ooo <br />afgrossP!'J!!t';~I)!~.~~$' ."':"~':;~gI,HtQ:11i""" .ofg~~~,;c~!x1!1!l!!'!'<l.$ . PfusO'lblD <br />10%af.1:Il'! g~f>!,~ts,,"'l'VQe-pll1d I"'r~\!t"C!'lg~~~~^of.!!!\l~~~~bl!~ per month on gross prnffts <br />over $4,OOO:l'ei6!I1tiige to Qe'pakl!" """"!"'!'{':~",:''J!;f.'','{'i;; ::,:<mr:$1;0\Jg;i:~~e<RQepald .,' % .' <br />~~~~Pu~=~:=~~:"'\'::'~;:i~\~;~t~~~ <br />. ",' .---, "-".",,, :'~. ,'-''',.-:. <br />. . """",;;:'';'' . ',i.;. RenUn{ormatlOt1:(~1'\9I:M. tc, ", . <br />B111ll0 alld/or ,Bar ,B!Jtg<l ~~ ..,,', ";,, ',,:','. ".! ....'. "NclOn.ttoiir Bingo ~_ <br />:;~~~~Iin~a ~~~~~~~:Ri!ili'mayliot~$25 per day fer noon hour <br />. . $200 per OWlSIonfer ullto 6,000 Sl:luare.~ '0 bI~Q9 ~~.~.11 a.m. and. 2 p.m. at a <br />. $300 per oa:asIon fer 'Up to 12,000 ~are feet . ~wIth a IIa!r1se fer the sale of IntDldc:atInQ <br />. $400 perocraSioo fer'moie 1hanl~ooosqU;i[e~'. ,'beVerages on the prerlls- <br />. $25 pet' ~~ fw;~r,llIng<> ~.@t,~V-~,In~, Rent lobe pak! per. bingo ocrasU\ $ <br />bar (regilldless of square fooI:age),'Y9l,l!',o.rgaI)~ . .,'\ ,'- ..' ..' '. . '.' . <br />must a>ndud: another fomfOf' IaYlful'galnblfn'il,'andlile r""'''''''''''''''''''' -.......,..,.,.......,. - --,.... -, <br />. '.' ,., . ". ,', '0, ."" . Foraar_bIIIgollCllv\tJnatpnlllloully . <br />:~=:a~ serve IntmdcaUng lkjuQr ~3:!\~t . I ~",..~r ,~~~ I <br />Rent 1Dbe Paid perbiJigo ocx:asIOn $' "';, ':,' =~..::uN":at-==g-:'=~ I <br />. '. 'L.;';':;"~;"'" .~.:'-;.;;';./<';';;:~~"-~:i-"--.."'" . -:.. ..J <br />IftlUs !san amendeclleaseshowlng ~ ocx:urrlng . g1tle ll!m1 . ,QlIreI)t pn!Il1iSeI permit, partfes <br />tllatsfgned \he lease mustlnltlaland datil aU Chlmges; OIanges.lilustbe~bmltled Inltle GIlntilng ConInlI Board <br />Bt _10 dIIy8 prlorlDlhecMng.":'~ift:e In the date Jliittl1e'c:ha~ will beeft'ecllVe:..--1-i~. <br />Lessor Dale, . Olgllnfzallon n.m. <br /> <br />Amended <br />:i..ease <br />Only <br />