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<br />06/11/2004 09;48 <br /> <br />6514641872 <br /> <br />CHATTERTONS PKG <br /> <br />FIioM; <br /> <br />RIl: <br /> <br />J)~ <br /> <br />TO; <br /> <br />CENDNN'lALLAKI:s POLlet: D,l:PARTMENT <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />MAIUC S. ~IDONATIONS <br />DI:AD JtaoIcE SADDLE CLUB <br /> <br />lNV.ltUSS1tLANCK. Il'IREARMS INSTRUCTOR <br />TASER PROGRAM: ~ANClAL ASSISTANCE REQUEST <br /> <br />MAY 21, zeIN <br /> <br />Mlft: .......... to our NL.~",.c;e oftoday, please consider the following <br />tbeCeNInDiIl LIkes Po&e l'.lllIp_l:ln~dl'S ,CLPD"} request fur financial assistance in <br />the~.wfioo of the IeR-lerIIIl teo.Imology known as the Taser. <br /> <br />l. .... II. T...,., A Taser-is a fbrm ofless Iethal technology that causes <br />k!.h........HOUlIf ~ ("EMD"). EMD clI.lI$es uncontrollable <br />1-"<;1pr CllIlIJ...1ioIls 1IIat debilitate a combative subject rega;dless of the <br />&Uhject's pain t. "'''CO, chemiOlllly or emotions.lly-altelXd state, or <br />~. TaND baYe boM proven to be safe and result in less i'1.iury to <br />the subject JDd the respoodirJg officer. <br /> <br />2. ClJID"I c.. _lit U. I _ ..1 Opriou Are Limited. The department <br />pft 1 ..dly bas two Jess ledIII1 options other than hand-to-ha!ld combat. <br />batom eel ~.~ ir.lilant. The lonsest baton in use is less than three <br />feel. I"eIUItirl8 in III oftic# having to be in VllIY close physical proximity to <br />me IUbject to deploy. Batous are lI:IIlde of steel and call illflict significant <br />____ ~ "-_____ .u __.....__<::, ._ ~__._~__ <-- __.. ~....._ _...., .. ~ ......._...' .,..... <br />~~ deMh. a -Cl_ ~ cdFo:rd -.\. cl9plO:Y,f)"'i;;:)c'Glllwv uf'uj.) <br />... - ~-- ~ ~o ~ tn..& ....A~ -.Juu-t. WU.Ll\, 4!Sa1mn. IIJWVIUUW:i- UUU~I <br />tlIe mBuence of dnlp .., CM be debilitating to the deploying officer. <br /> <br />3. WIly ... CLl9 NellI T....r Tuers are effective at ranges up to' 21 feet <br />IIIIII.i .. particWauly ullI!6I in de4H'lg with emotianally disturbed and <br />~ OOIIIIIt'4lli>fe Stlllj l:t.. In the recent past, the department has had <br />-m inot...lfU wiH:Ie it was nee -'yto request lI!lsistMce fram an <br />Mjc'" . . .-:Y ~ TuenI to mi.~ the Hkelilrood that deadly <br />foRe WllI\lW he ita CIDIy JeIflv&-. option, IS well as to' minimize tl1e <br />Ii\ ". XId ofqwy to tile I"e8pO!liIins u~, the department <br />~r~--" BWne PI) to __ in the apprehension ofan individual in Circle <br />PM M . fdoay "'.uldlt who Il8d two pOor confinned "suicide by <br />ctIp" at...ot4J>. The.j!~"""""t alto requested Blaine PD's assistance in <br />.,. . I "Ii"".. d. ~JlIIi.L ...~.. :!iu8pect who indicated he would not be <br />-~' '1 1 widI8ut aliPt. JD ~ the depIlltBlent requested Lina <br />~ PI> to ......, . ..4 ......1ID ~ distnwght individual <br />....... ....... wille UlIIIIed with. JmiI'e. In Centervi1Ie it was necessary to' <br />lIM'e Lillo LMw I'D..... in ~ with a yoo~ man who assaulted his <br /> <br />...! <br />,"1, <br /> <br />PAGE 03 <br /> <br />l <br />