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<br />05/11/2004 09:48 <br /> <br />5514541872 <br /> <br />CHATTERTONS PKG <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />&ther, was d....~, l!IChizophrenic, and offofhis medication. <br /> <br />4. B_ MaD,. TUfft DDes CLPD Need! Optimally, the department will be <br />able to purchue a total of three TIlllefS, one for each city serviced This <br />will pennit, llt allliDimum. one TlI8er to be deployed in both the east and <br />west sides of tile OOpadment's jurisdiction. <br /> <br />5. WIHIt de T_ Celt! TIle X-26 TABer repn:sents the ~5tate of the art" and is <br />the ltIt)St compact BOd ~ Tuer currently available. It costs $880 <br />with a three-year 'WlltnIIty period plus tu. It comes with its own belt <br />holster for crOSB-draw deployment. Tl'lIining cartridges cost $ J 7 each and a <br />total of34 (2 per offiCII") will be needed to certify officers to carry the <br />Tuer. Duty ~ (those actually carried in or with the Taser when <br />deployed) lXJst 522 cadi and II total of9 (3 per Taser deployed) will be <br />needed. If the dejl.ull.a.ait "hosts" II Taser Instructor training seminar it can <br />ba'vc two ofIicc:n ......Ii&,d as instructors for free. Dat~ for the department <br />to host lIUCh a traiDiog seminar are presently beIng scheduled. <br /> <br />6. IlowW. The Dt.I'l........ r'lf Pay For Tasers! The department intends to <br />request tUndlns assistaRee from Vlll"iO\l-S civic grOllpS. <br /> <br />7. WIIere are T_ :rt.ecI.. die Use of Fone Continuum? Most <br />~b..oilt8 pI.oe TaMh in the same force category as chemical irritant <br />(e.g. pepper spray). 1lJe TlI8er's impact is short lasting with suspects <br />sut;eaed to the Tuer's current recovering more rapidly than if other force <br />options had been deployed. <br /> <br />Mark. I appt'eciate your ~ to consider this pwposaJ, The dep;trtment's <br />ex:periaalln caDilJg fur Tuer ~ from adjoining agencies demonstrates the <br />Tll$flf's value ill deIIins with distudled and violent individuals as well as in reducing <br />the riK ofinjuryto the respoadins qfficers. It is my sincere hope to implement a Taser <br />prOjp'4lDby late Summer or early Fall, We would be extremely appreciative of a <br />dooIRioa of that would pennit WI ti'J acquire one TtI8er ($880 plus tax) and three duty <br />cartridsu ($66 plus tax) or SI,OOI. PI_let me know if you require additional <br />int'onntItlon. Thmk you again. <br /> <br />PAGE 02 <br />