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<br />July 15, 2004 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />VetenHlS, as aefrned by law, shalllJe released from employment 'llith the City only after <br />a determination through a fuir hearing for in68Hl]3eteflee or miseonduct. <br /> <br />My rationale for this proposed change is that the hearing only applies in those instances where a <br />veteran requests a hearing. If the veteran does not want a hearing, then the City should not <br />provide the hearing. My second rationale for eliminating this language is that a hearing is not <br />required in the instance where there is a good faith elimination of a position. <br /> <br />5.2 Promotion. I suggest clarifying that the City Council is the body that determines what is the <br />best interest of the City in this area. My suggested language is as follows: <br /> <br />Vacancies mav shall be filled by promotion of present Employees who meet the <br />requirements established for the classification, when it the Citv Council determines that a <br />promotion is in the best interest ofthe City. <br /> <br />5.4 Reduction in Work Force. I suggest that the City retain full flexibility in deciding when to <br />layoff rather than in limited instances, to provide the two weeks notice only where the need for <br />layoff is foreseeable and to move the laid off employee to another position only at the City <br />Council's discretion. My suggested language is as follows: <br /> <br />Lay-off: The City may layoff any Employee whenever such action is made necessary <br />by reason of shortage of work or funds, the abolition of a position, ef because of changes <br />in organization or other reason determined bv the Citv Council. Two weeks advance <br />written notice of the lay-off shall be given when the need for the lavoff is foreseeable. <br />An Employee may be transferred to another position if the Citv Council determines that <br />such Employee is qualified and a position is available. When a lay-off occurs in a job <br />classification in which more than one Employee serves, qualification and job <br />performance as determined and applied bv the Citv Council shall be the basis for <br />determining which Employees are laid-off unless otherwise required by law. <br /> <br />6.3 Work Hours. The full time work week is defined as 40 hours. The part time work week is <br />defined as less than 32 hours. In order to make the definitions inclusive of all potential hours of <br />work, I suggest that the part time work week be defmed as less than 40 hours or full time be an <br />individual scheduled for at least 32 hours. This first option creates a problem with the 32 hour <br />week required for full time employees for insurance purposes (Article 11). I also suggest that the <br />two defmitions include reference to the "normal" work week so that it is the regularly scheduled <br />"normal" work week. This provides greater flexibility to deviate because of emergency or other <br />reason. Both definitions should also include a note that employees may have regularly scheduled <br />hours that differ because of job requirements. I suggest adding the following sentence to each <br />defmition: <br /> <br />The Citv Administrator mav also adiust normal work weeks and davs for oositions that <br />reQuire the exercise of duties and responsibilities outside of normal hours (for examole <br />the need to attend citv council meetings). <br />