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<br />July fs, 2004 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />9.5 Funeral Leave. The reference to sick leave should be replaced with PTO. <br /> <br />9.6 Parenting Leave. This is only required of employers that have 21 employees. Therefore the <br />City would be doing this voluntarily. In the event that the City wishes to have this benefit, I <br />suggest one change in Reinstatement. I suggest adding the same provision discussed in the <br />Medical Leave section to the first paragraph. I suggest the following language: <br /> <br />The Employee is entitled to return to work in the same or comparable position and at the <br />same rate of pay the Employee was receiving prior to commencement of the leave unless <br />the Employee's iob was eliminated during the leave. In this instance. the employee will <br />be treated as laid off pursuant to Section 5.4 <br /> <br />9.13 Sick or Injured Child Care Leave. This is only required of employers that have 21 <br />employees. Therefore the City would be doing this voluntarily. <br /> <br />17.2 Discipline. Process. Progressive discipline is generally satisfactory when dealing with <br />minor or performance related issues. Progressive discipline is generally not applied with cases <br />involving serious misconduct. I suggest that the existing language be limited to instances where <br />the Council determines the matter is not serious. I suggest the following language: <br /> <br />The City of Centerville 'sill normally lIse progresshe and fair dissipline 'liith full time <br />regular Employees. There may Be eiroomstani;les that warrant deviation :ErOlR the <br />suggested order of the diseiflliaary prseess. The nermal preeess is as f-ollo'l/S: <br />recognizes its continuing responsibility to develop and administer rules and disciplinarY <br />measures in a fair and consistent manner. The City will issue discipline at a level within <br />its discretion for the act/inaction in question along with other factors that it deems <br />relevant. Without limiting its right to issue discipline in other areas. an adequate reason <br />for issuing a disciplinarv action shall include but not be limited to each of the following <br />kinds of conduct: <br /> <br />. Incompetence or inefficiencv in the performance of duties: <br /> <br />. Failure to produce the quality of work and/or the quantity of work the position or <br />classification requires: <br /> <br />. Wanton carelessness or negligence in the performance of duty: <br /> <br />. Offensive treatment of fellow employees or other persons: <br /> <br />. Willful violation of any lawful regulation or order. or failure to obey any lawful and <br />reasonable directions given by the employee's supervisor: <br /> <br />. Violation of the provisions of these Personnel Policies: <br /> <br />. Violating the data privacy rights of any employee. client. or member of the public: <br />