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<br />CITY OF CENTERVIll.E <br />PERSONNEL POLICIES <br /> <br />Successful public relations are a very important element in every City Employee's job. It is <br />important to be considerate, pleasant, prompt and brief in all dealings with the citizens of <br />the City of Centerville. The impression we make over the phone or in person, whether good <br />or bad, will be the one that the citizen will remember. It is the mission of the City of <br />Centerville to provide the highest quality service to Centerville residents and taxpayers in the <br />most effective, efficient manner possible. Proper adherence by all City Employees to these <br />policies will help attain that goal. <br /> <br />1. PURPOSE AND APPLICATION <br /> <br />1.1 Purpose <br /> <br />General: The p"'1"}3e of this po&y is to establi3h a urUform aaa e~1e sJ stem <br />of pC!3onnelliaminisffatiOft for lill Employee3 of the City of CeftteniRe as ..ell li3 lill <br />orglilHzea personnel ... ha ... ofi, t11iaer li ftegatiatea agrecmeftt ..'ith the City. 1ft the <br />'" Cftt of a eoftflict ber-.. eeft the terms of the ftegotiatea agrecmeftt afta thi3 persaftfte! <br />poliey, the terms of the ftegotiatea agrecmcftt shall taI,e preeeaeaee aHa tho3e <br />Empl6Yecs stffijeet to the ligrecfficHt shaH be S6 regulatea. Nothffig in this polig <br />shaH be C6ftstruea a3 part of llfl employmcftt eofttraet Bemeca. the City fif Cca.ter.iRe <br />aHa its Employees. The information in these personnel policies serve only as a <br />general reference to the City of Centerville's current policies and procedures. None <br />of these rules and policies constitutes a contract between the employee and the City. <br />These rules and policies are not a guarantee of continued or future employment or <br />intended to alter the employment at will relationship in any manner. Employees <br />have the right. with appropriate notice. to terminate their employment at any time. <br />for any reason or no reason and the City retains a similar right. subject to any <br />statutoJ;y or constitutional restrictions placed upon it as a public employer. If at any <br />time there is a difference between a statement in these documents and source <br />material. such as plan documents. the source material that is current at that time will <br />take precedence. <br /> <br />1.2 Scope <br /> <br />Application: This personnel policy applies to all City of Centerville Employees, <br />except the following: <br /> <br />A) Elected officials; <br /> <br />B) Consultants rendering professional service; <br /> <br />C) Members of City Boards, Commissions, and Committees (this Subsection <br />applies only to non-employee members of these City Boards. Commissions <br />and Committees); <br /> <br />1 <br />