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<br /> <br />Centennial Lakes Police Department <br /> <br />. .. <br />. . . <br />. 200 civic Hdghts Circle, Circle Pines, MN SSQ14 '(763) 7iu:Z501 'Fax (763) 784-~oliz <br /> <br />DECLARA110NOF DANGEROUS DOG. <br /> <br />. May 5; 2004 . <br /> <br />, . <br />Lee A1Iill~ Christopherson <br />.1971 South Robit) Laite, <br />Centerirille', MN 55038 <br /> <br />, , <br />, .. ." .\.' . . <br />. Pear: Mr, Christopherson:' <br /> <br />, Tbis~gericy haS. condllcted an ih~estiglitioninto . a dog incident that' occurred oh 'May 4, '.. <br />2004, 'AcCording to ,QUrinvesiigation; you are the owner of the iiOgihyolveq irUhis . <br />. incident described as fbllows: '.' ' . '..,., . . . .' , ", " " . <br />. . - ". '. . . . <br /> <br />, '. ,B",eed:~i-m!lnS,!J.eph~rd <br />S~: ,Mille ." . <br />'.Niune:'Sebastiaii <br /> <br />" ' <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />. 'l?ursuatitto l()cal code ,aitdco!lSistent with Miilriesotastatutes9 34750 kd 34751 <br />'(copie~e1icl6sed), I herebydeclai-e ',.the preVioilslydescribeclc:l()g 6~ed, by', you as <br />. 'foUows:' ., .' q' , <br /> <br />'. ," <br /> <br />, . <br />.' , . , . , . .' <br />, '.X'POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS: <br />--"'. -'--. . . ." <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />~.'DANGEROU,s <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />, , "',' ..; . <br />, As' a result of this decll\ra~on, t am directiHg you to comply with the follomng proVisions, <br />,of Minnesota's Dli.ngerou~ Dog Statute as follows:, " " ' ' <br /> <br />'., ."X ~The dog shllll be I-l!gist&ed wit.jJ. the City of Ce,n.terViile a~ )>ot~ntialIY' <br />, . __ . .' Dangerous.' Such registrationshllil be aceofupl1s4ed witl:tin. fourteep(i 4) , <br />'daysoHecejpt of this notice, Failuretor:egister the dog 'wit.hi.4 "fourteen <br />(14) days shall result ill seiZure of the dog by local -aiiiinaI control '. <br />" authorities,' ' '. , ',' . <br />