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<br />. " <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />_X~For regi~tration purposes you must provide the City of Centerville with <br />sufficient evidence of the followmg: . . . <br /> <br />1" <br /> <br />. . . <br />· A proper enClosure exists for the potentially dangerous dog and aposting on <br />the preIIJjses }'lith a clearly Visible warning sign, including a warning symbol.. <br />to llfoilll' children that there is a dangerorts dog on the property..~ . . , <br />· '. A surety bond issued by a surety company authorized to conduct business in <br />thisState'in Ii fonn. acceptable to the City in the sum of at leaSt $300,000:00, <br />payable to any person injured by the dangerous dog, o.r a. policy of liability <br />insurance issued by an insurance Gompanyautliorized to conduct businesslu <br />the State of MiD.nesota in the amount of at least $300,00():00, insuring the <br />owner for any injuries inflicted by the dangerous dog. Fantire to seeute th.e <br />. propeiliability inSurance or surety bOhd within fouiteen (14) days of receipt . '. <br />of this notice shall result in seizure of the dog by local' animal control <br />authotities: . . <br />· . Prbdfof microchip idelitification as required oy MN State StatUte g 347.515 <br /> <br />. . . . '. > . '. , .' <br />'. '. <br />.. .' .' '.' , <br />~X_Review Sta~e Statutes ~. 347.515, 347.52; 347.53 and Cellteryille <br />ordinance #.24 (copies ellclosed}and attest by your signature ont!J.e following . <br />page, that youbave read and understand their <;ontents and l:aniifications, <br />, l. " ,. <br /> <br />...':. <br /> <br />. DUEPROCESS CLAUSE <br /> <br />l\i~Q~er of the abo~e-descnbed~og, You are;further advise}lof Your right to ." <br />. appeaIthis matterbefore.the City COUpcif ,ShOt.ddYOilwish to appeal :this . '. . <br />de<;Ilirati(,')n, you must do so inwritiilg wi,'fmmeen:(I4) dayso[receiptofthis' <br />,.,' '1.' , ., . , ' " . _ (';, " <br />~ec)i!riftion, "rpe attached RequestfoT' App.eaI . inust. be delivertld' tei,'the '.' <br />'. Centennial LakegpoliceI:>epattriient, 200 CiVic lieights C:ircle, Circle Pines, MN '.' <br />. 559f4 witJ:iin fotirtoo.ti(14) dilysof reiceipt .Qfthis Cleclaratioli. price an app~al ~as' <br />. beerif~ed yei~ >011 be notifie(i."ythe City as teithe hearfug'date and additional . <br />rights provided you by iocal ordiliaiIce. . .' .... <br /> <br />\., <br /> <br />.'. " <br /> <br />. 'Pleas~.feel free to<;al! on'me should you kve?J1yquestiQns regarding ihis D.lattei:. <br />'. :' - - .. .. .' '. " .' ',,' .... \'" " >' . .~.' . c .' '.':' . <br /> <br />'-, ' <br /> <br />Yerytrilly,yours, '.' . <br />r....,.., //. <br />,.....'..~. ..b{Y..... .//2.~ <br />. "!-J. 41>'<..' . .. . <br />.,. . <br />'.. . <br />.> ' - -' , <br />.:" " . ", .' '-. . <br />. JoHD. HtlCknian . . . <br />'ChiefQfPoIice <br />, . '. <br /> <br />). <br /> <br />'; <br /> <br />. - . . <br />.ccICityAdmini~irator . <br />