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<br />4. The areas will then be managed to promote the native seeding and control the <br />RCG in the wetland areas. If after multiple spray applications the RCG area is <br />not supporting any native vegetation on its own those areas will be re- seeded <br />using a diverse native wetland mix. This would most likely happen later in year <br />two of the three year plan. <br /> <br />Management <br /> <br />The management of native plant communities is a variable process based on site <br />conditions during the establishment period. In an effort to establish the community as <br />efficiently as possible MNL has an experienced land management staff educated in <br />ecology, biology and natural resources. The following is a list of the tools we use but <br />exact timing and which procedural order is difficult to predict. <br /> <br />First Season <br /> <br />During the fIrst growing season of the buffer area the project will be mowed with a flail <br />mower as needed to control annual weed development. Typically annual weed species are <br />very aggressive during a fIrst growing season. If allowed to grow too tall, annual weeds <br />can have an adverse effect on newly emerging native plant species. <br /> <br />The areas of heavy RCG will receive 2-4 herbicide applications as well as cutting to allow <br />for other species to grow in those areas. <br /> <br />Subsequent Growing Seasons (year 2-3) <br /> <br />During the second full growing season and beyond the site should be monitored for <br />persistent weed problems and to promote the desired plant community. In years following <br />the second growing season, management services might include controlled burning, spot <br />spraying, spot mowing, and hand weeding. <br /> <br />Costs: <br /> <br />Buffer Site Preparation <br />One (I) Non Selective Herbicide Application on Buffer..............$460.00 <br />Seed Bed Preparation & Seeding..................................................$700.00 <br />Seed & Seeding............................................................................. $680.00 <br /> <br />Mulching.......................................................... ................... .......... $225.00 <br /> <br />Wetland Management <br />First Year Management ............................................................$2, I 05.00 <br />Second Year Management .........................................................$1 ,81 0.00 <br />Third Year Management............................................................$1 ,460.00 <br /> <br />Wetland Seeding (if Necessary) ................................................$2,175.00 <br /> <br />TotaI....................................................................................$9,615.00 <br /> <br />This quole is good for 30 days from June 30. 2009 <br /> <br />Page 2 of3 <br /> <br />h~ kd'1 G:..s~ll)/o <br />q(.o'l.n5 <br />,,, " <br />"'<io <br />t.-'lh <br />2 IdS' <br />1'810 <br /> <br />~~ <br />'t' <br /> <br />6~ <br />