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<br />22. Does the regional wastewater system have adequate capacity, or staged capacity to accommodate the <br />proposed amendment? <br /> <br />X Yes, explain: Lino lakes has met with MCES several times in 2003-2005 and has provided updated <br />flow projections to MCES which include the proposed development project and other <br />future development in the NE area of Lino lakes. MCES planning currently includes a <br />new interceptor from Lino lakes, along Co. Rds. 14/8 to the Forest Lake Interceptor. <br />MCES lannin also includes ca aci im rovements in the Forest lake Interce tor. <br /> <br />No, ex lain: <br /> <br />23. Has the community andlor Metropolitan Council identified an inflow and infiltration (1&1) problem? <br /> <br />X Yes, describe the steps taken to address the III issue and plans for future action: <br /> <br />Lino lakes conducted an III study in 2001 and identified localized areas of.excessive III in various <br />arts of the Ci . A ro ram to clean, televise, and re air sewers in these areas is underwa . <br /> <br />No, the Cit rrw does not have an identified III roblem. <br /> <br />24. Identify interceptor(s) that will be impacted by these changes and indicate if flows will be diverted from one <br />interceptor service area to another? <br />The development area will be served by a local trunk leading to the Centerville interceptor, which flows to the <br />Forest lake interceptor. <br /> <br />25. Does the plan amendment include any wastewater flow to an adjacent community? For new <br />intercommunity agreements, the receiving community must also amend the sewer element of its plan. <br /> <br />Yes, enclose a co of the inter-communi a reement <br /> <br />X No. <br /> <br />Surface Water <br /> <br />26. Will stormwater runoff generated from proposed amendment be treated on-site? <br /> <br /> No, check one of the following and describe: <br /> Runoff will receive no treatment: <br /> Runoff will be treated off-site, identifv off-site treatment facilitv: <br />X Yes, describe type and level of on-site pollutant removal treatment/mitigation plans: <br /> Stormwater runoff from the site will flow to Clearwater Creek, which flows into Peltier lake in the park <br /> reserve. Water quality will receive special attention through the design of stormwater management for all <br /> development within the AUAR study area. This will include infiltration, buffering and overland filtration, <br /> volume control as well as rate control, and onsite ponds. Specific design elements will be reviewed with a <br /> development application. <br /> <br />September 2005 <br /> <br />9 <br />