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<br />~ MRR-27-2001 0'3'12 <br /> <br />,-.- <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />CITY OF LI fD LRKES <br /> <br />651 982 2499 P.17/19 <br /> <br />~inistrator may waive tne roregoing diaqram <br />for renewal applications if the applicant <br />adoptll a diaqru that was previously lIu~tted <br />and certifies that the contigUration of the <br />prali.e. has not bQen altered IBince it waS <br />prepared. <br /> <br />Tne application shall be eworn to be true and <br />oorr8Ot: by the applicant. <br /> <br />NO alteration in the confiquraticn or location <br />of a managar'_ station may be made witbout the <br />prior approval ot the city A4mil'lilJtrator or hie <br />el:' her designee. <br /> <br />It is the duty Of the owners and operator of <br />the pr_i... to ensure that at least one (1) <br />_ployee i. on duty and situated. in each <br />manager'. station at all ti__ that any patron <br />is pre.ent inside the premises. <br /> <br />E. The interior of tha pX'ellli.e. shall be <br />configured in euoh a lIIanner that ther. is an <br />W\ol\Mltructed view froll a ..naCJe1" Ii station or <br />every area ot the praiae. to which any patron <br />is pendtteci ace... for any purpose excl\lding <br />rest roOU. Rest rOOllla may not contain video <br />l:'eproduction equipment. If the pruise. has <br />two (2) lIana'iler's station. d8llignated, then the <br />inter10r of the pr_i..& shall be contiqured. in <br />such a II&Mer that there 18 an unol:lliltructed. <br />view gf each area of the pr_iilel> to which any <br />patron i. perIIlitted acce.. tor any purpose frolll <br />at laaat ana (1) of the maMqer'll atation.. <br />The view r.~ired in this sub-section lIust be <br />by direc:t line ot aiqht tr01ll the manaqer's <br />atation. <br /> <br />B. <br /> <br />c. <br /> <br />D. <br /> <br />F. It shall be the Quty ot the owners and. <br />operator f and it shall also be the duty of any <br />agents and 4IlIIPloyee& present in the pX'8lIlise. to <br />Iillaur$ that the view area specified in SUb- <br />.ection E reaains unobstruoted by any doore, <br />walls, lIe%'chandi_e, d1aplay racks or other <br />ma1:erials at all tilll88 that any patron is <br />present in the prais.s and 1;0 tmallre that no <br />patron is perait~ accs.a to any arsa of the <br />pr_ises which has been desit;lJ1ated as an area <br />in which. patrons will not be pel'lllitted in the <br />application filed pur.uant to Sub-aaction A of <br />thi. Seotion. <br /> <br />G. Ths pr~i... shall be equipped. with overhead. <br />lighting tixtura. of sutticient intensity to <br />illUlllinatQ every place to which petrons are <br /> <br />165 <br />