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<br />11AR-2'7-2001 0'3' 13 <br /> <br />--- <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />613.18 <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />613.1.Sl <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />CITY OF Uf-O LAKES <br /> <br />601 982 2499 P.18/19 <br /> <br />permitted access at 1m ill\1l1.inat10n of not 1_. <br />than one (1) foot candle a. measured at floor <br />leval. <br /> <br />It shall :be the d.uty of the owners and <br />operators and it shall be the cluty of any <br />agent5 and ..ployess pre.ent in the premiaell to <br />ensure that the illWllinat.1on desc:dbed al:love, <br />i8 lIlainta1ned at all times that any patron is <br />pre.ent in the praisee. <br /> <br />A person having a eluty under Sub-sections A throu9h <br />H of sub-s.ot101l 1 above comts an offen.. if the <br />person knowingly fails to fulfill that eluty. <br /> <br />Ii. <br /> <br />l!:nf~c.mAl'lt. <br /> <br />Any person violat1n; a prov1sicn of this Section, <br />upon conviction. 111 punishable by a ~in. not to <br />exoeed seven Aundre4 dollars ($700.00) and ninety <br />(90) day. in jail. <br /> <br />It 18 a defan.e to proeeoutien under this Section <br />that a person appearinq in Il state of nw:lity cl1l;l. 80 <br />in a aodelinq cl... operated: <br /> <br />A. By a proprietary school licen.ed by the state <br />of Minneeota; Il college, junior college, or <br />university supported entirely or partly by <br />taxat.ion; <br /> <br />B. By a privat.e oolleqe or university which <br />_intains and operate. educational programs in <br />which cre4i~ are trllMferable to a ooll8ge, <br />junior college, or university lIIupported <br />entirely or partl.y by taxation; or <br /> <br />c. In a structure: <br /> <br />1. WhiOh has no lIiqn visible frOlll the <br />exterior of the structure and no other <br />advertisinq that indicates a nuda person <br />is awll/ll)le for viewinq; and <br /> <br />.. Where in order to participate in a clalls, <br />a student. suet enroll at least three (3) <br />days in advanc. Of the cla.s/ and <br /> <br />3. Wbere no more thlUl one (1) nude 1Il0del i. <br />on the premises at anyone t1... <br /> <br />In;un"tion. A person who operates or caulles to ):Ie <br />operated an acl.ult us }luBine.. without a valid <br />license or in violation of this Section is subject <br /> <br />166 <br />