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<br />, <br />" <br /> <br />Mffi-27-201211 1219: 03 <br /> <br />C IT,' OF U flJ LAKES <br /> <br />651 982 2499 P .1212/19 <br /> <br />613. Adult UIISS (Sexually-oriented Businesses) <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />613.01 <br /> <br />~~rpo.. and Int.nt. <br /> <br />Subdivision 1. It is the purpose of this section to <br />requ1a:te adult use sexually-oriented bUsinesses to pr01llOte the. <br />health, satety, 1I0ra18, and general welfare of the citizens of the <br />city, to quard aqainst the inception and transmission of disease, <br />and to establish reasona))le and unifonl regulations. '.the <br />provisions of the section have neither the purpose nor effect of <br />ilDPOllinq a lilDitation or rutriction on the content of any <br />cOllUlU1l1icative lIIateriala, inolud1nq sexually-oriented lIIaterials. <br />similarly, it is not the int.ent nor effect of thi" .setion to <br />restrict or deny access by adults to sexually-oriented materials <br />protected by the First AlI\en4JMlnt, or t.o deny acce.s by the <br />distributors and exhil:litors of sexually-oriented entert.ain:Mlllt to <br />their intended aarket. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />SUbd. 2 Tl1a City Council further finds that experienoe <br />from other oitie. I1111llonstrate8 that adult use bUllline.... Clonducted <br />in private by lIlembers ot the allme or ~. opposite sex, and <br />employinq personnel with no specialized training, are susceptible <br />to operation in II. lIlanner oontraveninq, subverting or endanqerinq <br />the health, safety and welfare of lll..",hoors of the cOlIllllunity l:ly l:lG1nq <br />the sites of acts of prostitution, illioit sax, and occasions of <br />violent arius, thus requirinq olose inspeotion, licensing, and <br />requlation. <br /> <br />6:1.3.02 nefin'ltioJ'lS Tha tOllowing worel., terms and <br />phrases, when used. in this .eotion, mall have the llleaninqs <br />a6cribed to th8lll in this section, except where the context clearly <br />indicate. a different .ellnin9: <br /> <br />1. lJ)tII4' 088 1\1",."81) 'fDII.1l <br /> <br />(A) ADULT USES: Mult usee include adult bookstores, <br />adult lIlOtion picture theaters, adult lllini-motion picture th,..terlll, <br />adult maSaal3e parlo:!:s, adUlt ateu room/bathhouse/sauna facilities, <br />adult o;:olllpaniontlhip establishments, adult rap/conversation parlors, <br />adult health/sport olubs, adult Cl~arets, adult no,,"elty, <br />adult motion picture aroades, adult JIOdelinq studies, adult <br />hotels/lllotels, adult body paintinq studios, and other prslllises, <br />enterprises, establiahments, busines..s or places open to some or <br />all mem!:lers ot the pUblic, at or in which thus is an 8lIIphasis on <br />the presentation, display, depiction or description (If "specified <br />sexu.l activit.i.." or "spllCifi~ ana~lllical areas" which are <br />capable ot ~ing seen by lIIfSllll)era of the public. Activities <br />cla..itied as obscene ae defined >>y Minnesota statutes 617.241 are <br />not inclueled. <br /> <br />.r- <br /> <br />(1) Speoified ~atomical Areas: <br /> <br />(a) Less than oompletely and opaquely <br />00'18red human genitals, pubic region, <br />buttock, anus, or female breast(s) <br /> <br />150 <br />