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<br />MI'F!-27-21301 09: 04 <br /> <br />~- <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />CITY OF LIND LAKES <br /> <br />651 982 2499 P.03/19 <br /> <br />belOw a point immediatelY a~ve the <br />'top of the areola: and <br /> <br />BwI1an male genitals in a discernible <br />turqid state, evan it COlllpletely and <br />opaquely covered. <br /> <br />(2) specified sexual Aotivities: <br /> <br />(:Ol <br /> <br />Ca) Actual or simulated 5Elwal <br />intercourse, oral copulation, anal <br />intercours., oral-anal copulation, <br />bestiality, direct phyaical <br />etilnulation of unclothed g'enitals, <br />tlaqellaticn or tortura 1n the <br />contut of a GQXUal relationship, or <br />the use of excretory functions in the <br />context: of a aexual relationShip, and <br />any of t.lW following' I s~ally- <br />o:iented acts or oonduc-tl anilinqus, <br />buqqary, coprollhagy, oopropb,1l1a, <br />cunnilinqus, fellatio, necrophilia, <br />pe4erasty, pedophilia, piqueri.lIl, <br />sapphism, zooerastYi or <br /> <br />Clearly depicted human qenitals in <br />the atat. of ..xual stimulation, <br />arousal or tumescanoe; or <br /> <br />(b) <br /> <br />(c) <br /> <br />u.. of hwaan or an1Jlal ejaculation, <br />sodomy, oral copUlation, coitus, or <br />maatur))ation; or <br /> <br />Cd) <br /> <br />pOndlinq or toUChing of nude human <br />genlt:als, Pubic reg-ion, l:luttoolts, OJ:' <br />feaal. brea8tl or <br /> <br />Sit:uation. involving a person OJ:' <br />J?ereons, any of WhOlll are nude, clad <br />1n underqaruents or in sexually <br />revealing costumQS, and who are <br />engaged in aotivities involving the <br />tlag'ellat:ion, torture, fettering, <br />bindinq or other physica.l restraint <br />of any lIluch PUIlOM; or <br /> <br />Erotic or lewd toucl1inq, foncll1nq or <br />ot:her eawally-orientad contact with <br />an a.niul by a h1lllliln beingi or <br /> <br />eel <br /> <br />(f) <br /> <br />('il) <br /> <br /> excretion, urination, <br />menstrUation, VBg'inal or anal <br />irrigation. <br /> <br />151 <br />