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<br />Mffi-27-2001 00: 11 <br /> <br />,-.. <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />613.12 <br /> <br />613.13 <br />1. <br />2. <br />~ <br />613.14 <br />1. <br />2. <br /> <br />613.15 <br /> <br />,..-.., <br /> <br />613.16 <br /> <br />CITY OF L:HJ LAKES <br /> <br />65: 982 2499 P. 15< 9 <br /> <br />officer to hear the matter, report findlnqs at <br />fact, and a rec~tion for disposition to the <br />City Council. Hearing. on the appeal shall be open <br />to the public and the licens.. or applicant shall <br />have the riqht to ilppear and be repre.ented. by <br />leqal oaunsCll and to otfar evidence in its l:lehalf. <br />At the conclusion of the heuinq, the city c:ouncll <br />shall make a final deci.ion. <br /> <br />&Il~UJ:OIIJlto aJlQUX'..""81 'rhe city council may <br />condition denlal, .~.pan&ion, revocation, or 1'101'1- <br />renewal of a license upon appropriate ter3llli an4 <br />cond1tion.. <br /> <br />'Prana:far of LiQI!!mIilQ. A license. shall not <br />tranefer his or her ligene. to another, nor shall <br />a lioensee operate an adult us. business under the <br />authority of a license at any place other than the <br />address desiqnated in the application. <br /> <br />a~ni~ioft81 .Aaula~ion. tor EgOO~ Aa_noias. <br /> <br />An escort agency ehall not emplOY any person under <br />the aqe of e1ghteen (18) years. <br /> <br />A person couits an offenae it he or she aots as an <br />esoort or agrees to act as an escort for any parson <br />under the age of eighteen (18) years. <br /> <br />Addi~ional Raau1ations f~ NudA Model studio.. <br /> <br />A nude model studio ahall not eJIIploy any person <br />under the as. of eiqhteen (18) year.. <br /> <br />A person cOllllllits an offense if he or she app_rs in <br />a state of nudity or lmaw1nSly allows another to <br />appear in il state of nudity in an area of a nuele <br />lIlodel studio premises which can )Ie viewed from the <br />public right-of-way. <br /> <br />Additiona.l Raaulaticns fo~ Adult Thaa~Qr. 81'\d ~dult <br />Kot:ion pictuY'. Theat:erll. <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />A per.on oOllllllits ;m offense if he or she know11l9'ly <br />alloWS a person under the age of eiqht..n (18) <br />years to appear in .. state of nudity in or on the <br />pr_i... of an adult theater or adult IIICltion <br />ploture theater. <br /> <br />It is a defenae to proe.cution under Sub.ection <br />613.15. (1) of this section if the person under <br />eighteen (18) yeus wall in a rest roalll not open to <br />public view or pereons of the opposite sex. <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />Add1tiona~ RRau]a~ion8 for Adul~ Kotals. <br /> <br />163 <br />