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<br />MRR-27-2001 09' 1Ia <br /> <br />CITV OF UNJ LRKES <br /> <br />6519822499 P.14/19 <br /> <br />G. A licensee or an employee has knowinqly allowed <br />any act of sexual interooU%'ae, sodomy, oral <br />copulation, 1lIlls'turb41tion, or sexual I;:ontllct to <br />oocur in or on the 1 ioensad pr_i.... Th. ten <br />"sexual contact" .hall have the meaning as it <br />is defined in Minnesota Statutes 609.341, SWld. <br />lleb); or <br /> <br />H. A licensee i8 delinquent in payment to the City <br />for ad valorem tax.., looal lodqing tax, or <br />otheJ:' taxes or fee_ related to thli adl:ll t use <br />sexually-oriented busin.... <br /> <br />3. The fa.ct that a conviction i. beinq appealed shall <br />have not effect on the revocation of the license. <br /> <br />.--- <br /> <br />4. Subeeotion 1513.10. (2). (G). do.. not apply to <br />adult motels as a ground for revokiDi the license <br />unless the licen... or _PlOY" lCnOWingly allowed <br />the act of sexual intercourse, sodomy, oral <br />copUlation, u.turbation, or sexual contaot to <br />oocur in a public place or within pUblic view. <br /> <br />When the City ACIllln1atrator revoklBS a license, the <br />revol;:ation shall continue for _e (1) year and the <br />lioensee llhall not b. ililsl:led an adult use businesll <br />licen.. for one (1) year frCII the date revocation <br />became effective. If, subsequent to revocation, <br />the city Adminbtrator finc1s that the basi. for the <br />revocation has been oorrected or abated, the <br />applicant may be qranted II license if at least <br />ninety (510) caYII have elapsed. since the date the <br />revocation beoame effective. If the license was <br />revok.4 under su>>.ection 613.10. (2). (Cl, an <br />applicant may not be granted another licen.. until <br />the appropr~ate nWlll:ler of years requirK under <br />section 613.05. (1). (J). (2). have elapsed. <br /> <br />5. <br /> <br />,- <br /> <br />613.11 <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />A'r)t)aal. <br /> <br />It' the City Administrator denie. the issuance of a <br />license, or suspends, or revokes II license, the <br />Administrator shall .cnel to t.he applioant, or <br />lioensee, by certified mail, r.turn receipt <br />reque.ted, written netice of the aotion, and the <br />riqht to an appeal. The aqqrieved party may appeal <br />tho decision of the City Administrator within tan <br />(10) days of reoeivinq notice of the city'S action. <br />The filinq of an aPl.'eal stays the action of the <br />city Administx'ator U1 suspendin9 or revokinq II <br />license until the City council male.. a final <br />decision. <br /> <br />2. PROCBDUBI: The City council may appoint II <br />OOllllllittee of th. council or an independent hearinq <br /> <br />162 <br />