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<br />11...-,' b""" ., 1I.f ' T' l' '1'''''' '1''111 l.. J <br />inUtlUIi V LUUIICli lV ClllOCr raVlS~ scconucu Or LUUDen l'HCIIlDCr ~wccncy lU <br />approve the requested Spccial Usc Permit to Mr. And Mrs. Hensel pending a posted <br />$1000 bond or agreemcnt to split the concrete load. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Comolaint Procedure <br /> <br />Ivlr. lvlike Carter of 6913 SUlnac Court questioned the cOlllplaint process within the City. <br />Mr. March indicated normally the City Hall does not normally respond to anonymous <br />cOIllplaints rc\.:eived unless the cOInpiaint is a IIlUjor issue. The cOlnplaint receiveu <br />against Mr. Carter was anonymous, but did not wish to file an official complaint, but <br />important enough to be fOf\varded to the appropriate authorities. <br /> <br />VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> <br />Hunter's Crossing Preliminary Plat <br /> <br />lvir. Carlson and NIr. Ivfattke aJJrcsseJ the issues of concern that were brought forward <br />by the City Engineer and the Building Official at the first time the preliminary plat was <br />suhnut1ed. Nfl'. ivlattke stated the trail ill question is now included running it'om die \-vest <br />side to the east side ofthe project. The engineering concerns along with concerns with <br />till:' grading plan have all been resolved. There was concern on the width ufihe corner <br />lots that face Centerville Road. The setback being requested in the revised preliminary <br />plat is 30 feet for the side yard set back. <br /> <br />Ivir. Peterson imlicateti aU nine or his original concerns he aJJrcssi.:u in january have <br />been resolved. Mr. Peterson questioned the implementation ofa sidewalk in addition to a <br />traiL IvIr. IVlan..:h stated the iIIlportant aspcl.:l of the trail irnpienlentation would be to have <br />the trail run from 20th Avenue and eventually over the freeway in connection with the <br />Hugo trails systern. Nir. Ivlardl feels if lhcre were a choil.:c benveen a sidcvvalk sysieHl <br />and a trail system, the trails would prove to be more beneficial. <br /> <br />l\iOtiOll by Council IVlcnlbcr Broussaru Vick~rs<t seconded bv Councill\lcmbcr <br />Travis to allow Huntcr's Crossing to be moved into the MUSA in addition to <br />atIlJrOV;li~ tbe Prdilnjnan' Plat for Hunter~s Cruss.iIU! 'with accorualh.:c 1'0 resolveu <br />issues presentcd. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Mutual Aid Agree)11ent .:J:Iul!o <br /> <br />.. roo ""'- 1 '11 '_. '.. , .! r", "11 . " ,~." 'H' . <br />;VIL lVWfUi V.iH \Vnu.: a lCttef tv tHe '-HY 01 hugo expressmg Ul~ L.Ity S \-ViHlilgness tu <br />proceed with the agreement and indicate the questions and issues we have betore any <br />action is taken. <br /> <br />'I. ,,! __,_' I r'o ., ....'! I ~'. . . I f. _ 'I 1'1.,~ I 'T" . -'- I .., <br />..HUllun 0\' Luuncu lf1Cm let" ':'\l'CCUC\'~ :'}CCOilut,;U Ul ,--uUIIC'H ruerune!' 1 raH~ lU uran <br />a lctter to thc City of Hugo stating our concerns. with the intent to procccd with the <br />Mutal Aid A2reemcnt. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously, <br /> <br />Northern Forest Products - TIF Issue <br /> <br />This issue was brought up to Council a few months ago, and has resurfaced recently due <br />4 <br />