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<br />Mr. Carlson explained he feels he should pay his fair share of the assessments, but <br />continuing to the south will not benefit him or his development. Mr. Carlson <br />indicated that developers in the future should be responsible for the extension <br />beyond his plat. <br /> <br />Mayor Wilharber asked how Mr. Zerwas expressed an interest to the City for <br />utilities. Mr. March stated he asked that two stubs be placed on his property if <br />they were to run by his property. <br /> <br />Mayor Wilharber encouraged that a Public Hearing be set. Mr. March stated this <br />would be addressed through Resolution 00-08. <br /> <br />Motion bv Council Member Broussard Vickers. seconded bv Council <br />Member Travis to adopt Resolution 00-08 receivin!! report and callin!! for a <br />Public Hearin!! on the 10tb of Mav at 6:00 p.m. All in favor. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />IX. NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />MotionslRecommendations from Park and Recreation Committee <br /> <br />Mayor Wilharber indicated there was a letter within the packet discussing YMCA <br />hours of operation along with a request for morning and afternoon classes at <br />LaMotte Park. He explained they also addressed the donation of ball field lights <br />and poles in the amount of$3,000 to be deducted from the Park General Fund. <br /> <br />Council Member Nelson asked if the City would be charged for the YMCA use of <br />the park. Council Member Sweeney stated the YMCA would have charge the <br />City no fees and will not use the ball fields during their time at the park. <br /> <br />Council Member Travis asked if the ball field lights were worth moving. Mr. <br />Palzer stated they lights were worth a sizable amount of money and would be a <br />great addition to the City. <br /> <br />Motion bv Council Member Nelson. seconded bv Council Member Sweeney <br />to approve tbe Park and Recreation Committee MotionslRecommendations. <br />All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Motion bv Mavor Wilharber. seconded bv Council Member Travis. to advise <br />staff to draft and send a letter to the donator of ball field li!!hts and poles. All <br />in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Clean-Up Day <br /> <br />Mr. March indicated a clean up day has been scheduled for May 2011> at the public <br />works parking lot from 8:00 a.m to 2:00 p.m He stated there would be no fee for <br />residents disposing of goods. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers asked if this could be coordinated with the <br />Salvation Army to donate items that could be reused. Mayor Wilharber stated he <br />5 <br />