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<br />3 Amended: -9/4/01 <br />Z AJllelld.ed: 6/27/01 <br />1 A-.lllenUed: 1 /l 010 1 <br />Effective 9/5/00 <br /> <br />General Services <br />Trade Businesses <br />Manufacturing........ ............. <br />Other Industrial............. <br />Car Washes ....... ....... <br />Drive-Up Restaurants ............ <br /> <br />Cily of Centerville Ord. #4 <br />... 4/'1 ,000 square foot gross floor area <br />..... 3ti ,000 square foot gross floor area <br />.....3/1,000 square foot gross flool' area <br />...... 3/'1 ,000 square foot gross floor are <br />... 5/stacking per bay <br />..5 Stacking plus 'jj;] seats <br /> <br />Divi:siolfi 95: Cmnmercia! Exterior Eluiidiml Materials <br /> <br />Except; as olllerwis,,, regulated herein, the exterior wall surfaces of all new or <br />expanded commercial buildings shall consist ofrac8 brief<, finished blocl, or other <br />textured masonry product approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. <br />Exceptions to all masonry exteriors may be considered and approved by the <br />Planning and Zoning Comrnission provided the following findings are met: <br /> <br />A. The combination or exterior materials is used as an <br />architectural oompliment to the structure <br /> <br />B. The combination of exterior materiais used is not <br />inconsistent with the quality and appearance used on similar' <br />buildings in the same zoning district or neighborhood. <br /> <br />C. Site conditions limit public exposure to certain exterior <br />surtaces v~11ere rnasonry products are not proposed. <br /> <br />D. An exteriorvvall (flay be ternporary and a future expansion <br />area of a structure and be subject to rernoval or redesign as <br />an iilh::lrior \IvaI!. <br /> <br />Buildings ans nsqulred to have contrasting archiiecluralfeatures and mList IJe <br />designed to be aesthetically pleasing. <br /> <br />DivisionW0: lnd<J<ltri<ii E,,10rlor 8!.Jih.iillr.j i\jjalerial", <br /> <br />Industrial buildings are required to be constructed of brick, decorative block or <br />approved textured masonry pmduct. Pole barn type buildings are not allowed. <br />Buildings are required to have comrastlng arcllilectural featllres and must be <br />designed to be aesthetically pleasing. <br /> <br />!JjVi5i,iI1 "m5~ Fem::es <br /> <br />P./;l"P<.J.-'\ ,..f'W) <br />