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<br />3 P..mended: 9/4iO 1 <br />2"~nended: 6/27J01 <br />1 .Alnended: 1/10/01 <br />Effective 9/5/00 <br />City of Celltervi.ile Ord. #4 <br /> <br />A. All fences shall be located entirely upon the property of the fence <br />owner unless the owner of the adjoining property agrees, in <br />writing, that said fence mail be erected on the property line of <br />the !.espective properties. Such an agn"emenl shall be <br />submitted at the time of building permit appiication If the <br />adjoining property owner does not agree to the erection of <br />such l'ence, [he fence Shall be set back 8JIlinirnuI1l of two (2) <br />feet frorn all lot lines. No fence oirler than a decorative fence <br />may be constructed along the side lot lines of a residential lot <br />between the streel and the front extension of the dwelling <br />Ilouse. As used herein, the term "decorative fence" means a <br />\!VoDel vertical post and wood horizontal rail fence with no <br />more than three (3) rails or a wood picket type fence with at <br />leastlwo (2) inches of open space between each picket. <br /> <br />8. i'Jo residential fence may exceed six (6) feet In lieiglTt and no <br />decorative fence in the froni yarel may exceed thiriy-six (36) <br />inches in Ileight. Fencing in commercial/industrial zoning <br />shail not exceed eight (8) feet in height <br /> <br />c. An fences shall be constructed and mSifitalilec1 !n a <br />substantia!, workman!il,e manner and of rnateria\ reasonably <br />suited for the purpose for which tile fence is proposed to !)e <br />used. Every fence shall be constructed so that the side <br />containing the framing supports and cross pieces race Hie <br />interior of tile fence owner's lot. ,!l,ny fence 'NIlicll cloes not <br />comply with tile provisions of this Section or which endangers <br />'r'.A '~llhl,. r q~f~hi hQ;.::llth ,~.,. ,,'H~lf.~V',_~~I...,.~lI ,....~~'""':,_~c;~i,__,_,-::._t ";,. <br />~,I_' ~.i .~.'. .' '_""" _'_..I, ..~_,~,. '--'. ,.~"....,,..., ";11<':~11 i-Jv v~..II';;':::lUC;i,""U '- <br />pubiic nuisance. <br /> <br />Be;c't~iOn i05.,(1l''H}: 5na,v~f...St0iP Feii'l&~ng" Snovv-stop fencing rnay !.")8 used iroiY] <br />November 'j to Aprii i. No pennit sllai: be required for temporary rencing <br /> <br />Sectkm 'W5-iCl2e: Eiectrk iJind 8m'bed \Nine Fefoce, Electric fences, hog wire <br />fencing, barbed wire fencing, and similar fencing will nol be allowed e)(cept in the <br />R-1 District. <br /> <br />SecHonl~15=GJO: VhsiJJa~ Ob~trrL.l(;'id'on~" No fence rfl2iV be erected 'vvhich creates <br />, <br /> <br />P-;4O""", .J.,c, nF i~/} <br />