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<br />3 Juntnded: 9/4/01 <br />:;; ..d.,jnended: 6/27/01 <br />! Amended: !/lOIO l <br />Efl:ecti':e 9i5/GO <br />City 0f Centerville Ord. #4- <br />Sectkm H5430; Bulk SWrSige. The storage of ail bulk liquids, fuels, chemicals, <br />and gases shail be in compliance with and regulated by Minnesota Pollution <br />Control Agency Hules, Minnesota Slate Fi,'e Marsllai rules and the iViinnesota <br />State Building Code. <br /> <br />Section -j35,~14(J; Out:;;ide Slani!;!)e, ,"',II produCts, materials and equipment, <br />(sxcept as specificaHy provided in this Ordinance) shall be stored vvitl1in permitted <br />structures) except for the follovving: <br /> <br />t:{esidentiai Districts and Dweig~ng Uiii~s In the M,.1 Di:strk:t; <br /> <br />A. A,gricuJh.wa! products) equiptT"lent and appurtenances o\:vned <br />by the owner of the property and used on the property on <br />whicl'l they are f(ept; and <br /> <br />B. Pel! licensed and operational (notor vehicles shall be parked <br />on the permitted driveway area. Any non-licensed, non- <br />operational \fehicles must be stored in an enclosed structure; <br />anel <br /> <br />c. 1\ jTlaxirruJI1l of tVIiO (2) of U-:i8 follovving units nia)! be stored <br />outside of a structure for more than rOl1y--eight (48) IIOUrs on <br />any residential parcel provided they are stored on tile <br />permitted driveway area outside of tile roac! right-of-way or <br />are in a side or rear yard_ p" iic(~nsed motor 110me or fifth <br />vvheel trailer is allO',Ned in a side or rear yaff.l <br /> <br />.j. <br /> <br />Boat <br />Camp~r <br />Motor hOine <br />Sno\lvrnobile's <br />Personal watercraft <br />Personal Utility Trailer <br />lee House <br />Sma Ii construction eqLllpm8nt <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />h <br />...;, <br /> <br />4. <br />5. <br />6 <br />7 <br />, . <br /> <br />8, <br /> <br />j\jone of the above 111entioned iterns (nay have an Qverall <br />length from front to bael, in excess of thiny-five feet (35'), <br /> <br />D. C~othGS linesl antennas, air conditioners\ outdoor grills, play <br /> <br />Page 53 of82 <br />