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<br />3 Amended: 9/4/01 <br />Z A_mended: 6/2 7/0 1 <br />1 i!"mended: 1/1 % 1 <br />Etfective 9/5/00 <br />Ciiy ofCenterville Ord. #4 <br />eight (8) r'iour day, five (5) days per week), Table III (Odor Thresholds), Tabie IV <br />(Concentrations of Substances Causing Pain in the Eyes), and Table V (Exposure <br />to Substances Causing Damage to Vegetation) in the latest revision of Chapter 5 <br />"Physiological Effects" that contains such tables, in the "Air Pollution Abatement <br />Manual" published by the Manufacturing Chemists' Association, Inc., Washington, <br />D.C., are hereby established as guides for the determination of permissible <br />concentration and amounts. The City may require detailed plans for the <br />elimination of fumes or gases b,9fore the issuance of a Building Permit. <br /> <br />Section 13!l-080: Fire H~z1iird$o Any activity involving the use or storage of <br />flammable 01" explosive materials shall be protected by adequate fire-fighting and <br />fire prevention equipment and by such safety devices as are normally used in the <br />handling of such materials. Such hazards shall be kept removed from adjacent <br />activities to a distance which is compatible \!\Iith the potential danger involved. <br /> <br />Section 'i35-09!l; j;k PO~lutior;. Every activity shall corrfonn to stms legulations <br />reiating to air quality standards and air poilution control. <br /> <br />Section 135-100: Radl,ladivit!! or Electrical Disturi:lance. No activity shall <br />emit dangerous radioactivity at any point or any electrical disturbance adverseiy <br />affecting the operation of any equipment at any point other than that of the creator <br />of such disturbance. <br /> <br />SeGtjon 135,.1 "!O: iE}(pk'",ive5. Any activity or operation requiring the use, <br />storage or manufacturing of explosives sheil be iocated no closer than five <br />hundred (500) feet fnJrn any residence, provided further that the location of said <br />activity or opisration is such that damage from explosion, including flying debris, <br />VIbration or sn1oke~ is iin1ited to the sjh~ on vvhich tile activity or operation is <br />p6riTiitt6d. <br /> <br />S;f.:C't~(;'n 'L$5u;'~ .20~ Burruh~g~ ~\jo person shall start Of alio'ViJ an~i open burning on <br />any property in the City v>lithout first having obtained an Open Burn Permit. Any <br />person setting a fire 01' burning anything in tile City shall do so following City Fire <br />Depaliment, Department of !\Jatura! Resources and Minnesota Pollution Control <br />Agency Rules. Recreational fires three (3) feet x three (3) feet are allowed. <br />Recl'eationaifires must be actively attended by a responsibi,s adult. When the fir.e <br />is abandoned it must be completely extinguished. <br /> <br />PaQe 52 of g2 <br />