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<br />3 Amended: 9/4/01 <br />:2 ....i.:inended: 6/27/01 <br />] A-nended: jIlO/OJ <br />Effective 9/5/00 <br />City of C<.;nterville Ord. #4 <br />satisfactory to the City Ceuncil. Clear cutting of woodlands for non-agricultural <br />purposes is prohibited, unless the action involves a utility or (Gadway, required by <br />the public, and includes a reforestation plan required by lhe City COLlncil. <br /> <br />Di\lisiOri 155: fn::ilskm and SI'ldimei1tatioil Contml <br /> <br />No land occupant 0;- developer in the City shall cause or concluct any land <br />disturbing acilvity which causes excessive erosion or sedimentation, or which <br />results in damage towaler or soil resources, All development in the City shall <br />conform to tile natural limitations presented by the topography and soil types in <br />order to minimize soil erosion and sedimeniation, Erosion and sedimentation <br />controls shail be.consislent with the MPCA's, "Best fvlanagement Practice" <br /> <br />land ,jistlirbing activities shall occur in increments of workable size such that <br />adequate erosion end sediment controls can be provided throughout all phases of <br />the development. The smallest practical area of land shall be exposeej or <br />otherwise disturbed at anyone period or time, Areas where natural vegetative <br />barriers are not enough to contain erosion and sedimentation from penetrating <br />water bodies, wetlands, \.ivater courses or neighboring properties shall be staked <br />witli silt fences ane! straw bales, <br /> <br />Oiviskm 1St!: La,'ldsc,min!1! <br /> <br />Section 'ISO~01iO: Minimurn t"CIliil.1tmes. All new development activities, <br />including site modifications or use intensifications, shail be subject to landscaping <br />improvements The following lable illustrates guidelines witllin eacli zoning <br />district: <br /> <br />D~$i~~~;t I (vvek.~tiDtri Tn&~~ I Fi::'jU?~iLta~lliOn P~ail1~ings4 <br />R-1 --1 2 trees/unit/street froril2Qe1~--=-l none ______ <br />R-2, 4 & 5 12 trees/unit/open space exposure2 I None <br />R-2A i 8 trees plus 2 treesfunit3_ . i none <br />8-'1 r 8 trees or '1J3000 sq, fL site area'" "1/'10 ft building 8, parking <br />I ---I area .' <br /> <br />Page 56 of g2 <br />