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<br />IVI-1 <br /> <br />3 Amended: 9/4/01 <br />2 A..mended: 6/27/01 <br />1 Amended: ill % i <br />Eftective 9/5/00 <br />Citv of Cc-utenrille CId. #4 <br />1[8 trees or "1/3000 sq. ft. site area5 II mo it. building & parking <br />1 area <br />18 trees or '1/3000 sq. fL site area5l. 1/10 ft. building & parking <br />I area <br />Ii 8 trees or 1/3000 sq" ft. site area5 I~/:~~ ft building.& parking <br />I dIce.! <br /> <br />p-"j <br /> <br />1-'1 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />Trees shal! be deciduous and planted at the <br />boulevard, except on cul-da..sacs v"here one of the <br />required trees may be planted off the boulevard but <br />in tile front yard area . <br />Trees shall be deciduous. Unit exposures wittl <br />street frontage shall be planted at the boulevard. <br />Tree spacing must include tmes at the boulevard at <br />rninimum fifty (50) foot intervals. <br />Tile caiculation for U"le number of foundation <br />plantings is based upon one ('I) planting for each <br />lineal foot of building perimeter and parking lot <br />perimeter. Plantings may be group,?d (ather than <br />dispersed at ten ('10) foot intervals. <br />The (equired number of trees is based upon a <br />minimum of eight (8) trees or one ('I) tree per three <br />thousand (3000) square feet or site area, whichever <br />is greater. Tree spacing mllst include trees at the <br />boulevard at minimum fifty (50) foot intervals. <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />Sect~un >~ t)O~02i]: ftji~n~rraj[1I1 Standanj5. <br /> <br />A. (J\j;:::rslorv I rees: <br /> <br />1. Deci,:juous Tu-eei3: 1,,0 and one half (2"1i2) <br />inch caliper planting size, balled and burlapped. <br /> <br />2. Congf~l(ou$ 'rns~$: Six (6) feet Hl height <br />planting size, balled and burlapped. <br /> <br />B Foundation Plantinqs: Coniferous and deciduous shrubs <br />shall be planted at a minimul'n of one-third the mature spread <br />and height of typioal growth habits. <br /> <br />Page 57 of 82 <br />