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<br />Bubd. 2: <br /> <br />S~,J[H:t j~ <br /> <br />SlJb~.4: <br /> <br />Subd. ~: <br /> <br /> <br />S~jb"t 7: <br /> <br />SuM. (I: <br /> <br />3 .Amended: 9/4/01 <br />:2 A.mended: 6/27/01 <br />1 Amended: 1/1 0/0 1 <br />Effective 9/5/00 <br />City Df Centerville Ord. #4 <br />The PUD is an effective and unified treatment of <br />the development possibilities on tt1e project site <br />and the <br />developlTlent plan prov!des 'for the preservation <br />of unique natural arnenities such as streail'lSI <br />slrearn banl\:s) vvo()deej COV6(, rough terrain, and <br />sirniiar areas; and <br /> <br />The pk;nned unit tieve!oprnent proposal <br />appears to harmonize with bolrl existing and <br />proposed deveioprnenl in the area surrounding <br />the project site; <br />and <br /> <br />The tract of land shall be under unified control <br />at the tirne ,of application and scheduled to ~Je <br />developed as one unit. in aadition, the <br />developnlsnt plan must include provisions for <br />the preservation of natural amenifies; and <br /> <br />EBerl phase Df the proposed c1e\/siopmentl as it <br />is proposed 10 be cOinpleted, is of sufficient <br />size, composition, and arrangement that its <br />construction, marketing, and operation are <br />feasible as a ccrnp!ete UI"'llt1 and tl'ltal proviSion <br />and construction of dwelling units an(j common <br />open space are balanced and coordinated; and <br /> <br />T~-;8 PUr:;; \i~;in net cl'&atls itn eS:,~CG56;''Jt:: UUI\Jbi j Uli <br /> <br />parks, Sdlools, str-sets! and other public <br />facilities and utilities \t'ihich serve or are <br />proposed to serve the district; and <br /> <br />The proposed totEll dev610prnent is designecl in <br />such C1 r11anr!er 8S to forrn a desirable and <br />un/fjed enVirOnlTl€nt \tvHhin its OVvTI bounda(jes; <br />ancl <br /> <br />The plans requin~d undef' this Section rnus'i bE; <br />submitted in a form which will satisfy the <br /> <br />Page 62 of 82 <br />