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<br />3 ?.J.l1cnded: 9/4/0 1 <br />:2 i-lJ.lle..'1ded: 6/27/01 <br />1 }!t..mended: 1/10/01 <br />Effective 915/00 <br />Cit~;., of CenterviHe Ord. #4 <br />nsquirements of Ordinance #8 lor the <br />preliminary and final plans; and <br /> <br />StlJlJrcL ~: <br /> <br />Permission to develop specific parcels of land <br />under the pn:wisions which follow shall be <br />bjnding on an CCHlstruction. Any change in the <br />development plan after approval by the City <br />Council shall be resubmitted for consideration; <br />and <br /> <br />S...h(L Hj: <br /> <br />Subdivision review uncler the Subdivision <br />Ordinance shall be carried out simultaneously <br />with the re'Jiew of a PUO under this section of <br />the Zoning Ordinance. <br /> <br />SectkuinJ -~8n-.Q;~o:' Us:as P$~Ti1rHtecL Pernlitted uses rnay include any <br />combination of dweliin() units in single-family, two-family, tOVWl or (Ow houses; any <br />non-residential use to the extent such non-residential use is designed and <br />intended to serve hle residents of the planned unit development; public or private <br />education facilities; or other Ijses permittee in the Zoning District in which the <br />planned unit development is located. \Nhen a PUD proposes a mixture of <br />residential uses with commercial uses, theCouncii may limit the development of <br />not more than ten percent (10%) of the tract to cOIYimerciai uses. <br /> <br />Sectio!1 1(JlD-il40: Relationship i~f rUD Sit.e to Adjacent Areas, The design of <br />a pun shall take into account the relationship of the site to the surrounding areas <br />The perimeter of the PUG shall t'e so designed as to IYlinimize undesirable impact <br />of U~le PUO on adjac~';2nt j:Jn:>pe!iies: and ccw!vers6iy: to nlinirnize undesirable <br /> <br />. .",,~,........., ........ ,....:;: "'. ,.1;", -"'-"" ,,...':" ;."'"..., .~~ "'._.._. _~,_ ~l ...f._. _ _.,.; ~-:_"-~ ......_ ,-, -,_'. -.J....". ','__ .",' '. _~ ", '.'. ,~,,,.. ~. .,.-.. <br />Ii 1 ~!--,a,-,~ c.....! Q\.lJ,;;,l'iV>':',1 j~ lal lU ~.l~\;:; G! IU u'!;:J,vt::;UFI j itl ~t 1....<1 i'~ll C'lt.;lt:?~ !bUC:S Ul! H It.? ~ uu. <br /> <br />'F-,,~,,"'.'"'H'" '.',,",l~('\"''': '\lI""""'~'i'''Y'' ';;;->,.' !\ G',' '1')' "'pll. '.''''''':~I.. "1' .-..[ 1,-,OQt..l'.'-ll'.10'\ 'acr"'" <br />.=.".'......II.~"""~ u 'U 'IdI~J"v. hi ~ " ~ ~ 1:. ~ """'~~o;:;" j"",< I j, ,-~l ,::;:',t l.A.!1 h"li:l U .'::l. ...;;:';,;~... .C: \ , J '_n.~_ <br /> <br />Section .mQ~1J.:;o: Minimmn Lot. Slz:;;, The minimum iot size requirements of <br />other sections of this Ordinance do not apply to a pun except that the minimum <br />lot size requinsn1ents of the unoerlying zone shali SEiPie as a general guideline to <br />determine the maximum dwelling unit density of the totai development <br /> <br />SectkwJ 1fjiOJ.J711: S",tbr,GI, and Sid~ '<{an:! Requinements. Not\iVitl"istanding <br />other provisions of this article, setback and side yard requirements of lots in a <br />PUD shall be at leam eoulvalent to tile spacina reouirements of buildings similarly <br />, - , <br /> <br />Page 63 of 32 <br />