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<br />Subd 1.0 <br /> <br />3 Amended: 9/4/01 <br />2 Amended: 6/27/01 <br />1 ;l"mended: 1/1 0/0 1 <br />Effective 9/5/00 <br />ell} of Centerville Ord. #4 <br /> <br />this ordinance for pu~S. <br /> <br />By Com,di. Upon receipt of the recornmendations of <br />the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Council <br />shall consider the application and, after holding such <br />f'H !1'....II'r: ;nG''''r;I'cJ ::;:;c' ii~ """.a."....,~,.".lc.' d>c.:Q:'I"~b.i~ sh.....n :.':'r"I'C(~'if;:; Q^ <br />1"'~".,.I .~ l ......,0 , ';J -..h' ,~ 1~!....l;:;'il.J' 4.<iG....., ::;1 IV1 ,=G!lo df.J....,1 Jvv I <br />disapprove "[rIe application vvith SUc!l changes or <br />conditions, it any, as it may c\aem appropriate. Refusal <br />of any changes or conditions shall Gonstitut.-:l denial of <br />the plans by the City Council. Failure of the land <br />owner to notify the City Council of his acceptance or <br />refusal of the modification to the plan constitute <br />acceptance of these conditions. No Building Permits <br />may be issued on land within the PUD until final pi ails <br />for the development have been approved by the City <br />Councii under the procedures provided in <br />followlnD sections <br /> <br />SeGtiml ~2ij~'M7[j: iPUD Agr!l\em.,\1t The Zoning AcJiilinistralor shall Instruct the <br />City Attorney to draw up a PUD Agreement which stipulates the specific terms <br />and conditiofiS <br />approved by the C:;;ity Council and ace,spied by the applicant This agreerllent <br />shall be signed by the Mayor of tile City of Centerville, Clerki.A.dministmtor and the <br />applicant within thirty (30) days of the City Council approval of the PUD <br />application and final plat. Where tl,e PUD application andlor final plat is to be <br />resubmitted or denied approval, the City Council action shall be by written repon <br />setting fortll th6 reasons fo( its aciion::L <br /> <br />Eh:'4<;~,~\IJ;~C~ ~;DO~g ;~~~i':1~ ~~i!,;;tvfe\tV liind ApPk"C'VCl~. }'\.n ap~:::;licanon T(j( reVI&\t\/ anG <br />approval of the final developrnent pian silali be filed by the applic~ani \lAth the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission within six months of the date on vvhich approval <br />of the preliminary plan was given by the Council. if application for final approval is <br />not made within tr16 time required, the proposal shaH be considered abandoned <br />unless an extension period is requested and granted by the City Council. <br /> <br />Se~;tion "~80~~H30~ DOCtJ~1']e~1t~:A~kH'ii Ri2;qugn~d~ The final application shall be <br />accompanied by the follo\rving supporting documentation: <br /> <br />A. A final pian of HiE: PUD in 8chernatic O(orrn indLlding the follo\Ning: <br /> <br />~jlilfie 68 of B-2 <br />