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<br />3 A.mended: 9/4/01 <br />2 Amended: 6i27iOl <br />1.Amended: 1/10/01 <br />Etlectiv~ 9/5100 <br />City of Cellterville Ord. #4 <br /> <br />4. A staternent describing hevJ ali <br />necessary <br />gO\jr,~rnrnentaj services \vill be provided to <br />the development; and <br /> <br />5. The total anticipated population to <br />occupy the PUD, \fVitfl brsakdol,Jvns <br />indicatinq the number of school age <br />children, aduits and families, <br /> <br />D, The proposed schedule for the development of the site, <br /> <br />E >~, staiernent setting fortil tj16 reasons VVhYl in the opinion of <br />the applicant1 the PUD vviH be in the public interest and <br />consistent 'Nith the objectives specified for PUOs b~i Section <br />51. <br /> <br />'Sei;;{~On 'liBO~'160: Actimm, <br /> <br />Stnod_ '~ <br /> <br />BV Ci}rrmr'J!is$iiJU'1L \/\1ithin sixty (60) days of the -tiling of <br />the application, the Planning and Zoning Commission <br />shail 110lcl a Public Hearing on the proposed PUD <br />following written and published notice as required for- <br />amendments of the ordinance, Following such hearing <br />and within sixty (60) days of tlleriling of the application <br />,-,,' .:\ '0 '",\"'-( lil'll'" ""","",,,"1 '('. "v th," "'pnll'c"'nl' 11'18 <br />UI t;;j Q !c;ii..... ~" C \;...;~I t~....L. ,U uj ,I:;:;;'~.. u r. ..... 1 . <br />Piannin~~ and Zoning Cornrniss!on Sl1~~!l (el~O~THn~-3nd <br />approval or disapproval of t.he pf'slirnil1ary proposai <br />with such cli8nges and conditions as it may suggest <br />and shall transmit its recommendations to the City <br />Council. In its recornri1endations tile COITl111ission shaH <br />determine whether the proposed PUD is consistent <br />\ivith the objectives for PUGs speciJied in Section 5-1 <br />and with tile Comprehensive Land Use Plan of tile <br />City; and whether Hle benefits, combination of various <br />land Lisas, if proposed, and the inter-relationship vvith <br />the land uses in the sLirrounding area justify ilie <br />deviatioil f(Om standard district reguiations allowed by <br /> <br />Page 67 of82 <br />